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A Conversation With Amandha Dawn Vollmer
Amandha Dawn Vollmer is a professional holistic health practitioner. ADV is a renowned health expert and best-selling author with an impressive breadth of knowledge on natural healing and holistic wellness practices.
ADV’s passion for natural healing and alternative medicine was sparked at an early age, and she has dedicated her life to studying and sharing her knowledge with others. Her deep understanding of the human body and its innate ability to heal itself has led her to develop a range of powerful, natural remedies that have helped thousands of people overcome chronic illness and achieve optimal health.
ADV’s breadth of knowledge delves into politics, law, physics, philosophy, corrected history, and cosmology. Regarding the plandemic, ADV called out the hoax on day one, experiencing backlash via violent cancel culture, various harassments, and losing huge social media accounts.
ADV is one of the members of the Team No-Virus, whose aims are to expose what they believe to be the fraud of virology and the lies of germ theory.
I really enjoyed this conversation with Amandha where we discussed Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and touched upon several health topics.
Oh, yeah, doing these podcasts, Amanda.
Oh, some funny things happened.
I I invited someone to come on my podcast and right at the last minute they said your link’s not working.
Am I really okay?
I’ll, I can send you a Zoom link And then they’re like, no, no, no, we’ve got your link.
We’ve just emailed it to you.
I was like bloody hell.
That was fast.
So I click this link and I get on it and there’s ticker tapes and everything and there’s someone else’s show.
It’s his show.
And he started chatting.
Oh, but it wasn’t talking to me.
He was talking to an audience.
And after 5 minutes I said whoa whoa whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
I said it says it’s live, live streaming.
Who’s who are we live streaming to?
And he goes my Facebook followers.
And I was like, good.
I thought this was me inviting you on my podcast, not you inviting me on your live stream, you guys.
Yeah, well, I thought you knew that.
And I was like, no, I didn’t.
I’m sorry.
I don’t want to do this anymore.
So I laughed.
Oh wow.
I thank God for Fabian.
He’s my, he’s my support in that.
That’s why I don’t end up in those situations.
Now Fabian’s very organized.
Have to admit you’ve got a good one there.
I have no Fabian.
I’m just a one man band.
It’s just me.
Unfortunately, there’s no one else.
I do everything.
No, it’s it’s it’s too much.
I was doing the everything for quite some time and then I met him and I knew I needed a personal assistant.
I actually probably need two.
I would need like an in person because he lives in Switzerland, so I would need someone here.
To do like personal stuff and he does all the virtual bookings and everything so but he does.
Everything he does so much so it’s yeah, he he like builds, helps build the courses.
So I’ll like write a I’ll write a protocol or course and then he’ll go into the back end of the website and he’ll build the course in and then it goes to an editing team and then it comes full circle back to me to do whatever touch ups, that kind of thing.
So there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that’s pretty cool.
Even with the time difference, it can work.
That’s incredible because you’re you’re not at West Coast somewhere Pacific.
East Coast Canada.
Oh, East Coast Canada.
You’re in Canada.
Holy moly.
Yes, I know that’s a that’s a kind of scary place now.
Yes, it is.
Oh wow.
Look how things changed when I was a.
Kid, I’m OK Oh, that’s lovely.
You know, when I was a kid, I met a lot of people from Canada and the way they painted the picture, I was up in bleak, wet Scotland.
Canada just sounded the place to be.
It felt it was like America but cooler.
But now it just sounds like China.
It’s China, it’s Chinata.
Especially Ontario is the worst.
I’m in Ontario.
It’s the worst province of all of them.
It and actually this region of Canada almost looks identical to Scotland.
So there’s a lot of similarities in the the boreal forest, you know, the the moisture levels, yes.
The humidity.
Yeah, do you have Mitchy’s as well?
Which these are?
Like what Mitchy’s, which is are these tiny flies and they bite like crazy and and Oh my God, they’re just everywhere.
Midges are in Scotland.
These tiny little flies that bite you, they kill you alive.
They eat you alive.
Well, with the midges we have aren’t too, too bad like that.
The we have like phases.
So in the spring we get the black flies and they’ll eat you raw.
And then, after the black fly season dies off, then the mosquitoes.
The first wave of mosquitoes comes.
And they’ll eat you raw.
And then they’re and then they’re working on their next, you know, all the babies.
And then at that time the horseflies and deerflies come out and they literally will take a chunk out of your skin.
So those I hate the most.
And and then you.
So you have really two nice perfect times of year, early spring before the black flies, and right now in autumn when everything’s dead and you’re still getting nice weather.
Otherwise, it’s bug season and winter.
That’s, that’s what you get.
And a little in between.
Well, that’s a good thing.
You still have bugs.
You know, I talk about the fact that when I go for a long drive now, you know, I visit my inlaws down in Cornwall.
I’m shocked that there’s no bugs on the car, like when we used to drive from Scotland down to England to visit my, you know, family, our cars in the 80s and 90s.
I’m kind of old.
I’m 48, so, you know, in the 80s, you know, as a kid I remember like having a carpet of flies and bugs in the front of the car.
I don’t see that anymore.
And people say it’s all aerodynamic and everything.
I don’t believe that there’s no bugs.
I don’t wear the all the bugs.
Yeah, glyphosate.
Glyphosate will kill your bugs.
All the pesticides and chemicals that are used.
The little things go quickly and I noticed a decline in our bird population, our frog population.
I hardly heard the peepers.
Usually in the spring when they start coming back out of the mud, it’s like they’re screaming loud.
I mean the the sound of the peepers of these frogs are just crazy loud.
Like you have to almost plug your ears and now it’s it’s you’re like listening for it to see if there’s anything alive.
So they’re really going at it hard.
It’s really sad.
It’s like, you know, you have these dystopian scifi movies where in the future everything’s dead and the planet is sterile.
I feel like we’re doing that.
I’m watching towards that.
We’re killing the planet.
Well, they’re marching us like they’re marching us toward it.
We’re not doing it directly that, you know, they’re doing this like, let’s save it, But then actually we’re not.
We’re doing the opposite because they can’t create their world without all these crises, and they can’t save us unless there’s a crisis.
And so they manufactured the crisis and then they’re like, we got the solution for you guys.
So it’s all, you know, Hegelian dialectic basically 100%.
I’m with you, Amanda.
What I find hilarious is that the very people that create all the disasters and all the problems, the people that rape the the soil, you know, deplete the nutrition, dig up the big mines, you know create all the the damage to the planet.
And because I do believe we are, you know, you know, poisoning the land and the and the water and the sea.
I do not subscribe to climate change, but man made climate change.
But I do subscribe to the fact that corporations and individuals are raping the land and treating in a horrible fashion.
But The funny thing is those very same people who are exploiting and raping the land and poisoning the water and the sea and the air, they then blame us.
They go, it’s your fault, you’re causing them this.
You’re you’re killing the planet and you’re like, screw you, no, no, I’m not.
My no one is killing the planet except you guys and and they’re they’re totally like dumping it all in us, which is like totally unfair and BS.
Well, it’s cluster B.
It’s cluster B personality disorder.
They all have this, right?
So I mean.
They’re going to.
This is like in the MO of a narcissist, you look good.
You have to look like a philanthropist or a savior of some sort, or somebody really good in the public eye, in the background.
You like being your wife and stuff.
And then, yes, make sure that nobody finds out that you’re a maniac, right?
You hide the real self.
And then when something goes wrong or anything goes wrong, you, you deflect.
You say it’s not wasn’t me, you.
Those are classic narcissism traits.
So, I mean, this is how they’re operating.
You know, it’s funny you should use that example.
Someone recently told me about the fact that they were in a club doing security and they came across a room where a man was beating up his wife and he went and quickly told management, And management said you can’t, you can’t say anything, turn a blind eye, you never saw a thing.
And that same guy then told me a few years later, I saw him on TV and he was a politician, he was an MP and he was chair of the domestic abuse panel.
And he goes, I could not believe it, The same guy that was beating up his wife was cheering and talking about how important it is to deal with domestic abuse.
Isn’t that.
And this is exactly what you just said, you know, the very people that are doing this, you know, then do the whole virtue signaling and Oh no, yeah, we need to do this.
We need to save the planet.
Saving the planet typically involves us paying more tax.
Surprise, surprise, it involves enriching them.
Surprise, surprise.
Funny that.
Hey, anyway, can I ask you something?
Why is it called Yum naturals?
It’s a brand.
It’s, you know, I kind of almost go, it was like just a branding sort of thing that happened because.
I my initial foray into like after I graduated, was all focused on mum and baby.
And so I created Yummy Mummy, Emporium and Apothecary and it was my store.
And I would have the community come and they would all have their babies and I little playroom and mums could relax and they could breastfeed there and change their diapers and just have a community sense.
And then I would.
Teach them about the dangers of vaccines, how to actually help your child.
You know, be have a natural birth, have a natural, you know, like, you know, I have lots of pregnant moms in there.
And teach them how to not poison their kids, basically, and how to do things holistically naturally so they’re not in fear.
And so that’s just the name I had and then once I moved forward out of as much baby stuff because I had had a baby at the same time.
So it just was all working.
And then I sort of rebranded to Yum naturals because I wanted to still keep the some of it, some of the branding that I’d worked on for you know like 8 years going forward.
So then it just became that and yummy doctor, and also my my word for like the yummy mummy, or in my definition of what is a yummy mummy, is an aware mother who is awake and really truly protects her children from.
You know, the dark forces and is like a crunchy mom, a mom who she knows the the what the industry is like and she stays away from it.
And she works with natural remedies and is connected to God and is not afraid to speak out and be courageous against, you know, tyranny and that sort of stuff.
So I was kind of trying to redefine the name of that and that’s where it came from.
I love that.
And what what time frame are we talking about?
When was this?
Well, it was about 2012 when I finally was able to acquire the property and begin to open the store.
So 2011 I moved up north pregnant and had a baby in like an old hunt cabin.
And also it was a home birth and a water birth.
Yeah, and then found this property in this little small town I moved up to and just got to work.
Right away.
And then I met my business partner about four or five years ago.
Now, maybe four years, maybe five years, actually.
Geesh, time flies.
And he’s like, I’m going to help you with your website.
I’m going to help you with this stuff.
So then there’s just, it’s like the people just started coming and and the rest of the history, well, then the COVID Olympics happened.
You know, I’ve not heard of COVID Olympics before.
That’s nice.
I like that.
You know, it’s my favorite.
You, you, you head off with two big topics there.
One was a natural childbirth and one was with the vaccines and well done you for being champions of both of those.
And one of the first podcasts I did was with someone called Nikita Stark here in the UK, who is all about natural childbirth and and warning mothers of the overmedicalization of childbirth.
And not saying, you know, do this and far from it, because that would be no different from the medical system.
It’s about just informing and empowering women and mothers so that they’re better and prepared and more knowledgeable.
My wife gave birth to two of our children at home and it was a beautiful experience.
And I think it’s really sad that actually the vast majority of childbirths are not at home.
It’s almost made out to be this dangerous, reckless thing to do.
And actually, it’s such a beautiful thing to do, isn’t it?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, I studied the farm midwife data that stuff under anime Gaskin.
She’s out of Texas.
And they their necessity for emergency services was less than 1% excuse me, was less than 1% of all of their births.
We’re talking thousands and thousands of home births here.
So with just.
Essential, essential knowledge, right?
Like if the mother is having issues, you have to have knowledge on what’s happening so that you don’t just react in fear.
But the preparation for a peaceful birth is also part of the story.
You don’t just go to obstetricians and then, you know, get threatened with all these scary things because that puts some other into fear all the way through her pregnancy, even even the midwives like.
When I got pregnant I was never going to go to conventional Dr. but the midwives that you know I hired one of them which they actually offered for free in Ontario which was a blessing.
And they and she was very medicalized as well and a lot of fear and a lot of Doppler and ultrasound and wanting to do more and more testing and and I said I don’t need any of this.
I feel well.
I know my body.
Um, and this is just, they’re just trying to push a lot of scary stuff, even downs like like they were saying that because I was 46 when I sorry, 36, pardon me 36 when I got pregnant.
So it’s 37 given birth.
And at that age they were telling me out you’re really old, so that means you know you’re probably gonna have a high predisposition for a down baby.
So we should check it.
I was like, what?
Where’s the stats?
And then I go to a cardiologist because they for a follow up ultrasound because I had a single umbilical artery, which actually is a normal variation.
But they use it to freak people out about it and they he’s like what why are you here?
You don’t have any risk factors and anyway the majority of Down syndrome babies that.
He sees in his office are between early pregnancies like late teens pregnancies or early 20s.
That’s the majority.
So I’m not risk factor for it statistically.
So the whole industry has gotten into this really more about liability protect, trying to protect from liability and the fear around that rather than doing the right thing, which ironically would protect you naturally from liability because you would be supporting.
The mechanisms of the body, which would, you know, prevent a lot of the problems that meddling and poking and prodding do cause.
So they’re just hopefully they learn one day, I think so education and hopefully empowering women.
I think it starts not with actual doctors but actually empowering and educating women so that they’re better informed and totally understand.
Because the key thing is, like you said, it’s the fear.
And I think a lot of people don’t understand the impact that fear has on the Physiology and the cords, so stress levels and how that totally goes against what your body’s actually trying to do when you’re trying to give birth.
But yeah, no, I’m really glad.
That’s right.
You talk about that because like I said, having, you know, had two home births and seeing the beauty of it, you know, I think more people should understand.
And I’ve actually had people reach out to me subsequent to that podcast and crying, actually talking about how they’re still suffering from the trauma of, you know, cesarean sections and the overmedicalization of that childbirth.
And they felt they felt robbed of choice.
They felt robbed of their dignity.
And that’s, I think that’s really sad.
It’s something that you don’t really hear about.
It’s not talked about.
But clearly thousands of women do go through it.
And yeah, people need to be more aware.
So that thing you talked about was your vaccines.
When did you become aware that something wasn’t quite right with these vaccines?
I was in university.
Well, I knew really early on because I had my own.
Like I would say, the very, very first experience was watching my brother being chased around the doctor’s office with the MMR vaccine by the doctor.
And my instinct at the time was.
He’s trying to protect himself.
It’s not a fear thing.
This is something wrong.
There’s something wrong here.
And so it was like sort of like my first little, you know, imprint that this is not, there’s something wrong with with these vaccines, OK?
Because you don’t chase a child around and force a child and do this kind of stuff.
There’s just something wrong about that whole energy a healthy child.
And then later on a healthy child and and then so I was very close with my brother.
At this age he was probably maybe in five, maybe he was four.
And after the this shot, his behavior changed remarkably and he became violent and angry and would steal stuff from me and just his behavior completely changed and I made that correlation.
Now it wasn’t really in the mind to go through the thought forms or have the knowledge at that point, so it just kind of parked for me.
And then later, I witnessed all my grandparents being sort of like, ritually murdered by the industry as well.
And I saw their failures one after another, witnessing them and going through that trauma.
And I just had a distrust for any of their offerings at that stage.
Plus, I had started reading books about herbal medicine and natural medicine, and I was very curious about it.
And I I knew there were other options.
I already knew that.
There were different ways you could treat cancer.
There are different ways you could treat diabetes, heart disease, all these big things.
And and I was angry.
I was angry and I felt they they lied.
You know, they said that if you do these things, you will be fine, you will be safe, you will live.
And that was basically the opposite of what they delivered on.
So then later I was going to be a veterinarian.
I was interested in animal medicine and I started studying.
Homeopathy for Animals through the British Institute of Homeopathy and I think it was around that time where I was really, it was really anchoring for me that any of these shots and biologicals were not necessary and in fact the opposite they they were probably even designed.
To be harmful and to control, you know, human populations rather than being some sort of life saving medicine.
But it was painted as that, as the guys like here.
It’s the same thing we just said about the narcissism.
Here’s this wonderful new beautiful thing, right, Like what Bill Gates is doing.
It’s for your health, it’s for your safety, it’s for your Wellness.
But it’s the opposite.
And so I really started piercing that together, probably at the end of university through my later training when I was living in Edmonton, AB.
And I worked for a really amazing naturopathic Dr. and veterinarian and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners.
So he had all three of those degrees and he told taught me about the power of herbal medicine and acupuncture in this sort of knowledge.
But you know, vaccines had no place in that, in those models whatsoever.
Even the the way of thinking about the body is completely different and you don’t need to.
It’s not like a war analogy where the world is scary and it’s going to hurt you sort of idea.
It’s the other way.
It’s like you’re yeah, the inside of you is what protects you you know and so that terrain thinking that kind of thing.
You sort of was born around that time, and I’ve never took another vaccine.
I think my last one.
I was in my late teens and then I just never did any of them again.
That’s a great answer.
I love, I love the fact that you gave me that story.
And that’s why I love asking questions, because you know, you, you really have explained a lot about your past and I’m sorry about what happened to your brother.
And equally, I’m very sorry to hear about what happened to your grandparents.
And I think, and that’s the thing I’ve realized that everybody that’s in that health and a movement now, an alternative scene.
We all have our own stories.
We all have our own journeys.
And it’s and it’s interesting to know because in some respects we kind of get labeled, oh, you’re a quack and you’re just a crazy person.
But it’s not.
Our journeys start from, you know, certain moments in time which are really, really sensible and reasonable.
I have got a very traditional medical background.
Don’t hold that against me, Amanda.
I’m a N pod.
Please forgive me for that.
You know, I I’ve been on, I’m on my own journey and I feel like a toddler.
I feel like a toddler in that journey.
You know, you’re a few, you’re quite a few steps ahead of me.
So I’m still stumbling around, you know, my balance is not great.
I’m trying to figure out stuff, you know, I’m trying to unlearn a lot of the things that I was taught, which I’m now beginning to realize are not true.
And that in itself is quite a scary but liberating experience and.
And it does put you at loggerheads with the traditional medical profession.
You probably don’t know this, but I’m under a little bit of pickle at my own place of work.
I’ve actually just been suspended last week from my main hospital, so there goes the vast majority of my income overnight.
Just a wee bit stressful, but.
You know my journey started when my dad was diagnosed with cancer and and he told me to turn my life around.
He said you’re fat, overweight, you don’t sleep, you look like shit and to be honest he was correct about everything and being from Glasgow he was very to the point said it as it is and you know I was I was overweight, I was type 2 diabetic, had a fatty liver, hypertension and.
I had to listen to him.
I had to turn things around and and doing so, oh God, I started learning so much.
So you mentioned a herbalist and herbal medicine.
I just had Barbara Wilkinson on from the British Herbal Society and it was such an amazing podcast, you know.
And she’s going to be coming back in a in a couple of months time to talk about some specific herbal treatments.
She also sent me some medicine when I was recently on well, which help?
I’ve also got a homeopath coming on, as well as an veterinary natural veterinarian who does homeopathic medicine for animals.
So I’m now open to everything And these things, you know, I would have laughed at a few years back.
I’m just, I’m realizing things are a lot more complicated than they used to be.
And the more I know, the more the less I actually know.
And you know, it’s very important to keep an open mind because when you think you know everything, you know absolutely nothing, you know.
I think one of the things I wanted to talk to you about was DMSO.
I mean, honestly, and forgive me again, you know, this only came onto my radar about a month ago, two months ago.
And you, you seem to know a lot about this topic.
Can you just tell me a little bit about it, the history behind it and and why is it such a wonderful thing?
Yeah, wow.
And just to speak to your, you know your process and and all those changes it is, it is daunting.
It’s a lot and a lot of doctors refused to go through that process because of the work involved and the really inward facing that is required to do that work and be very humble through it and and the desire to learn because sometimes you think, oh I went to school.
I learned the things.
Now I work.
You know and that continuing Ed, continuing Ed’s just a class here and there.
It’s not like you’re really into revamping ideas and you know unearthing paradigms and you know approaching things completely differently.
It’s it’s a lot to face can be very overwhelming and I speak about it a lot as that cognitive distance sort of sensation comes up as like a protection mechanism.
Because you know your way of life is now threatened.
As you’ve experienced right now, you’re you’ve been taken out of your vocation because you think differently or you have other ideas that you would like to explore where you’re faced with an indoctrinated community that refuses to have an open mind or at least be accepting of alternative viewpoints even if they don’t hold them, you know true to themselves.
So that can be really quite something to have to face in.
A lot of people, I think at this stage of things are facing many different topics completely differently.
So it’s it’s exciting, but I like that you said it was liberating because as much as it’s daunting, there is still a reward to going through that into shifting things around.
Because now you can come at it from a in in such a way that you could still help people, but you don’t even know what that platform might look like, you know, totally yet or where you could, you know, change what you’re doing to serve better.
And like, even with me, when things started going South with my own naturopathic board, because I saw that they were being infiltrated and I was speaking out against it, they wanted me to shut up.
And so I was even marginalized within my own community because I knew that they were degrading the medicine and that was part of of the agenda.
So, you know, it’s it’s we face it even.
Like even you would think a holistic practitioner wouldn’t, but we do.
I mean, and even when when COVID happened, we’re talking holistic practitioners, you know, people who are yoga instructors or people who are supposed to be holistically minded, going for the jabs, you know, falling for the whole thing.
And that was really eye opening because just when you think people know something or trust the body or trust nature, then enough fear for them that programming clicks in and they just go off on their own and listen to the false authority.
But to answer your question on DMSO, you know, I learned a snippet of it in naturopathic college that it was almost just a bare mention in sports medicine because, you know, we take different classes on all these different types of specialities.
And I wasn’t really interested in sports medicine, per se.
I didn’t really think much about it afterward.
Just I knew there was a painkiller out there I could use at some point if I was, you know, managing pain, you know, in a patient.
And that’s all I knew about it.
Okay DMSO helps with pain.
Great, awesome, cool, whatever.
And then I had, I don’t even remember the moment, but Oh yeah, I remember walking into a naturopathic or sorry, a a supplement store and seeing it on the shelf.
And I went, that’s interesting.
There’s that DMSO that was mentioned.
I haven’t seen it before.
I should just buy it and have it, you know, because I have a store and what if somebody comes in and needs it?
I should have like at least a bottle, right?
So that was my thinking.
I was very.
I’m very, I have a marketing savvy mind, You know, it was like, if someone needs it, I should have it, you know, this kind of practicality.
So I bought it, sat on my shelf.
It just sat on my shelf.
I didn’t even research it.
I just like, I have it, I’m good.
And then I got a sort of a mite infestation.
I had like mites, actually on my forearms.
It’s common in gardeners when you’re in the soil and those organisms, you know, they like your dead skin, so they’re like on your skin, right.
And I got it from someone who came in with the same problem.
I told Mo use diatomaceous earth, it’ll dry them out.
Here’s all the natural remedies you can use.
But then it wouldn’t go away when I used those remedies.
And I was frustrated and I thought, what’s happened here?
And you know, my life is very strange.
I usually have these situations because I have to, like, figure something out or else it won’t resolve.
And so the thing I had to figure out was to put DMSO on it.
And I had this intense burning reaction because I put it on like 90%, which is quite a strong concentration, redness and thickening of skin and burning.
And the smell, I’m like, what the hell is this substance?
This is outrageous.
I have to know more.
And then I just started.
That’s that was the moment of my life changing because I started researching it and I was mind blown at how much science had been done on this substance.
I couldn’t get over it.
It was like an endless pit.
I read the 1st 50 studies and I was like I and I and I got really rabbit hole on it like I was any other topic I wasn’t interested in.
It was just that I kind of came out of that and then I just, I went on YouTube and I just expressed myself.
I was like, how the hell do we not know about this After decades, How is this not even in our own realm of natural medicine?
We don’t know like this.
Do you know what?
Do you know what I’m thinking right now?
Listening to you and listening to The Passion?
Oh my God, it’s so funny.
I’m having a very similar moment.
I’m thinking, why the hell was I not talking about this in Med school?
I never had any lectures in this.
I don’t know what the hell you know.
Why was I not taught any of this?
Just listening to you.
Now I’m just thinking, what the hell, man, I know we should at least know something about it, if it’s like been around since the late 1800s.
And anyway, of course it was shelved.
And then in the 1950s, Doctor Stanley Jacob was the pioneer who really got it going because he was doing organ transplant research and he needed a substance that would make sure the integrity of the organs under cold wouldn’t have degradation and obviously crystallization of the cells, which would damage them and render the organ, you know, unusable.
And so he was looking for all he was That was his gig.
And then the someone in the UK who had unearthed the DMSO off the shelf, dusted it off, I guess said, you know, this seems to have potential for Cell, you know, support, why don’t you play around with it?
And then he got into it and it had a whole lab open up.
And and at the time this is like between, you know, 50-60 seventies now we’re coming into the 70s and it was then released and sort of prematurely and on the tails of the thalidomide disaster.
So the timing of the expression of what DMSO really was dimethylphoxide coming from trees, it’s a natural substance even though they can manufacture A synthetic version in the lab.
That one’s called RIMZO 50, which is like way expensive of course, but real DMSO from trees as cheap as dirt.
And so the they then came out publicly, but it actually was leaked.
The information was leaked.
So it came out like almost this this headline, you know, sort of behavior like miracle drug saves lives like this kind of thing.
And it freaked out the FDA because the FDA was now reeling from the thalidomide, you know, fall back our blowback.
And so they’re like, you know what, we can’t do this right now.
We can’t do DMSO right now.
Nobody trusts what we’re saying right now.
So we we’re gonna park it.
We have to.
But that was the excuse, ultimately, the real underlying factions.
There’s actually a really great book about the whole story of how this all happened called The Persecution of a DMSO.
And it’s it reads like like a spy novel, but it’s like insane, dark people that were trying to suppress that from coming out because they had their antibiotics, the money making was going with all of their different drugs, and this DMSO canceled out so many the need for so many other drugs, right.
So it was a huge competitor and they ended up taking all his lab equipment and the classic you know raid where they take, they shut him down and tell him to stop.
And then he had to kind of do all these other things to try to get the lab going again.
And he finally did and now you can actually look him up.
Stanley Jacob Labs.
He just died a few years ago actually.
But they had conferences actually have I have a little show and tell here this is the this book is from the annals of what’s it called the Annals of New York Academy of Sciences.
This was biological actions of dimethyl self oxide.
And this was an actual conference that happened and this was the summary of the conference and my poor book is falling apart.
It’s so old, it’s like from 1967.
So do you have to get it glued back together?
But I studied it so much when I wrote my book because because it’s all, it’s all the original from every country.
So it wasn’t it.
They all came together from all the countries, they’d all been studying it and they all came together, said this is what we found about DMSO and it’s just a such a versatile substance.
And Stanley Jacob, you know really was able to forward the organ transplant knowledge and therapies and stuff because of using it and they use it everywhere in the labs.
It’s a perfect solvent and it doesn’t distort your materials.
What thing does that?
No thing does that.
You put it even in alcohol.
It’s going to denature it or, you know, affect saturation or whatever, right?
And you can’t get it back to the perfect pristine original that it was in.
But you can with DMSO because it has a very different relation, a very special relationship with water, actually.
It’s molar to molar in its exchanges, not volume to volume, which is very, it’s a very different behavior than, you know, just flooding the body with a specific substance.
And it has affinity, different affinities for different tissues as well, like the cornea and the skin.
So it’s really a powerful antiinflammatory painkiller, you know?
So I was gonna say, how does that actually work?
How do you, do you know of any mechanisms of action?
Do we do we know anything about that, or do we just know it works?
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
I mean that’s why I said it’s so well studied.
It’s ridiculous.
Like this whole book is all about mechanisms of action and you can just search for all sorts.
Now I would say for anyone who wants to do research on DMSO to be careful of in vitro, the in vitro studies because what you need all the organ systems and the interactions of the body in order to really understand from A to zed how everything processes.
So say you have a cell, you add DMSO to the cell, you can understand you know some of it, but it’s a detoxifier.
So if it’s cleansing something out, what it can look like is actually a toxicity, right, because it’s moving and binding to toxins in order to get them out of the cell and move them to the liver and get rid of them.
But if you just have it in a Petri dish, they’re not, there’s nowhere for those toxins to go.
So some bad studies will say that it’s talked that it’s actually toxic to the cells, but that you have to look at in vivo studies and it will tell you all you need to know about the biological actions and the safety you know, of it.
But it does have like even under liquid nitrogen.
Even under liquid nitrogen, the MSO will protect cell cells in culture during that storage, which is pretty phenomenal.
Oh wow, so, so my friend shout out.
Matt Bradbury has given me a bottle of this DMS.
So she said look, if you injure your wrist or anything, just spray some of it and rub it in and it’ll help.
Can you just expand my knowledge a little bit?
I will do the homework, I promise.
But like what?
What do we use it for?
Is it for arthritis?
Is it for injuries?
Is it?
What other applications can we use it for?
What other conditions?
Well, because it has such a wide birth of biological activity, you can almost use it for any disease state and it will assist because it’s going to increase blood flow.
It’s going to.
It does affect clotting time.
So I guess one of the main contraindications would be you don’t really use it on anything in an active bleed.
It can get rid of blood clots or blood clot problems.
So you know, people are having this from the shots.
So DMSO can help cleanse those blood clots and get the mechanisms back in order and purge those wastes.
It’s found in every tissue of the skin within about 10 to 15 minutes of taking it so you can find it in the brain.
It passes the blood brain barrier and in literally every tissue and by 24 hours it’s finished it’s finishes processes out of the body.
And so I make like eye drops for example, that heal cataracts support the the total body healing of glaucoma, even retinitis, pimatosa retinitis.
Yet all of the issues of the retina, even eyesight people will have their eyesight corrected by its use.
If you have something that opens blood flow to an area, you have a huge opportunity to heal quickly.
This is also part and parcel the the inflammation being dropped away because you don’t need the inflammatory mechanisms if you have better blood flow.
Because the whole point of the inflammation cycle is to open up and make things percolate so that the materials can get in and and the waste can get out right.
But if now you have a waste grabber, which DMSO is because it’s like a chelate or type, and then you have an opener of, you know, increase of no, nitrogen nitric oxide, you have an increase of blood flow to an area, you’re working that faster, you don’t need the inflammatory mechanisms there anymore.
You don’t even need the bacterial cycles there so much anymore who are also there to scavenge and eat waste and get rid of them.
So you can really prevent a lot of issues if you get on top of it, you know, ahead of time.
Same thing with radiation poisoning.
If you take DMSO, you have it every take it every day.
It prevents.
DNA, breakage, radiation damage, So someone’s going for an X-ray or CT scanner or whatever, any of these things, or just going to an airport or just these days just walking down the street.
You know, you can prime your body with the DMSO to prevent the damage.
It doesn’t do as great of a job as healing the damage from radiation but prevention is it’s very key for that.
You can use it for skin care actually blend DMSO with my skin care for wrinkles and anti aging and get through the scars you know because it’s it’s increasing circulation but also it’s a deliverer.
So it’s transdermal which means it’ll take something of small molecular weight in with it and deliver it and deposit it into the underlying tissues.
So you can really build up collagen like that for example has a really interesting relationship with collagen where it helps to lay it down in a nice pattern rather than you know, chaotic pattern that it might be found in actually restructure collagen, you know, it prevents heart attacks and strokes.
That’s its biggest thing.
That was the thing I was like I couldn’t believe that we have something for ischemic heart attack and any type or ischemic stroke in a heart attack.
We aren’t using this like this is insane to me.
Even if you’re on your way to the hospital or the the you know you’re going by ambulance start applying the DMSO right away and you can prevent all the secondary problems like you know you can get prevent yourself from getting into a wheelchair post stroke.
I mean that’s a big deal right?
OK, so I need to as an emergency.
Yeah, I need to interject because I need to know.
So what’s the best way to then take it?
You talked about eye drops?
My my friend has given me a spray to put my skin.
Is this something you take in a tablet or ingest or is it topical?
How does it work?
Well, DMSO is in liquid form, so you do use it as a transdermal agent topically, generally speaking, or you take it internally with the proper dilution.
So in my book I have a proper dilution chart.
All the different ways to dilute it and why and where you would use it because it is very strong, you don’t want to make a mistake.
You don’t really don’t want to put, you know a really strong solution in the eye or ingest it too strongly because it might cause localized temporary inflammation and you don’t want that.
So learning about and also it can blend.
If you blend it with something toxic you can take that into.
So you have to have clean skin and those basic bits of knowledge of how to use it properly.
But really it’s just ingestion and topical.
You can do I V and you can also do injectables.
There are some clinics that do DMSOIV and some people at home that have arthritis will do the injectables.
So they’ll do like a 2030 or 40% injectable into the muscle area to you know you know disseminate a little bit deeper into tissues.
But topically is just.
I was going to say my mom’s coming to visit me tomorrow.
She’s got a really arthritic spine.
I’m going to spray some of this in her back and rub it in for I’m going to do it.
I’m going to order your book.
And I make like a 50% DMSO solution with magnesium oil.
And that’s a really nice combo because you do increase glutathione production with DMSO and its cousin MSM sulfur, which more people are more familiar with.
Generally that’s DMSO two.
So it has two oxygens instead of 1 oxygen and it’s in a crystalline format in its natural state.
And but it will help build up muscle tissue and heal the gut and these sorts of things has different affinities.
But the the spray you’re getting like both together seeing maximum absorption of the magnesium which is vital for any type of liver function because that’s the catalyst for those enzyme reactions.
And if you’re low on that, it means you’re sluggish, right?
You won’t process fast and then you can get back up and then have a detox reaction where you feel a crap, right.
So especially in arthritis cases where you have deposition of calcification in the joints and other debris and you start moving it with DMSO, you just want to ideally bring the magnesium levels up with it so that the person still feels good, they’re pain free or their pains diminishing, but then they’re not having secondary issues of circulation of wastes, They’re able to actually metabolize them properly.
You know, when I’m listening to you speak, I’m the thing that’s going from my head is, why don’t doctors like me know about this?
Why isn’t it more used more widely?
I can only think of 2 answers.
One, because it doesn’t work and this is all just anecdotal.
I’m not saying you’re lying, but it’s just it’s just hocus pocus 2.
There’s no money in it and big pharma and you know big medicine doesn’t profit by using it because it’s too cheap and too easily available.
Is there any other reason why doctors and and and you know aren’t using it and people like me don’t aren’t aware of it and we’re not taught about it in Med school.
And you just touched on what the, you know, there was a 60 Minutes episode with Doctor Stanley Jacob, you can go ahead and find on YouTube.
It’s short and sweet and gets you kind of the idea of the time.
And that was exactly what he said.
He said it’s not known because they can’t make money on it.
They can’t patent it the way they want.
So there’s no, they’re not going to use it.
And in fact quite the opposite.
They’re going to suppress it because they don’t want it to compete with their other.
You know there are other drugs and that’s that’s why we don’t know it or have it.
See, I knew.
I knew.
That’s the only logical reason.
That’s the only logical reason why.
Because it all comes down to that, doesn’t it, Amanda?
It all comes down to money.
Can you control something?
Can you control the individual?
Can you control the Organism?
Can you control the the food?
Can you?
Can you patent it?
Can you license it?
Can you package it?
Can you profit from it?
Can you label it?
I mean that that just seems to where we’re going and now it’s like we need to you know we need to even have total control over DNA.
Every living Organism, that’s what they just want now money from everything I I’ve come to the conclusion that we are now farmed like like you know cattle we’re we’re you know we’re just a source of profit.
Our ill health and misery is a source of profit for these other people.
And is there anything else about DMSO that I need to know?
I’m gonna get your book, by the way.
I don’t know if I told you that I’m going to get it.
Well, that book was quite a labor of love because I got really geeky when I wrote it.
And it was like double the size and it was just it was all in the scientific jargon.
And I thought I was producing A scientifically, you know, stable book with four doctors and these type.
That was I thought my audience was when I wrote it originally.
And then the publisher came back and said, no, this supposed to be an easy to read guide for like the everyday Joe.
I’m like, oh, OK.
So I had to go back and actually rewrite the entire language in easy to read format.
And then the lawyers were like, you can’t say this, you can’t say that.
You can’t do that.
So that was where half the book got pulled out.
But through that process, I learned so much about explaining things in a way that, you know, I under can understand it from the scientific side.
But then explain it to the layperson so that they can functionally understand it and they’re not afraid because a lot of people are afraid of substances that have intensity or potential intensity.
And this one does.
And, you know, it’s opening the skin barrier in three different ways, which there’s no other substance that we know that will do that.
I mean it might open it one way or two ways but not three different ways.
And in the relationship with water is so unique in the way that it uses water to transfer and and like a paddle through the body and boat itself through all these different places.
I would guess that I would say the only caveat is the odor because it’s a sulfur based compound is that if you’re using it in higher doses or you’re using it orally then you could get the breath, the oyster breath or the garlic breath that some people get really put off about South.
I usually suggest a little bit of a spray of hydrogen peroxide in the mouth a few times to just cleanse out some of the off gassing so you don’t offend your friends from family and loved ones.
But yeah it’s it’s like I think in the book it said God made like the perfect molecule, except for that, except for that one, that one aspect.
So it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s side effect, if you will.
But the potential for it is what excites me because I’ve actually been tincture with it.
I’ve been using it as an extraction media medium for herbal medicine and I don’t really know much anyone else who’s been formulating the way I’ve been doing so with blends and extracts.
Like I have one that’s a clove extract that the DMSO has extracted the clove medicine, you know, in it and that’s applied for say dental issues, so nerve pain or inflammation of the gum and even helpful for like fungal.
And you know if you have guys toenails that have the fungal issue, you know you can use the clove and DMSO to like penetrate get rid of fungal issues.
So it really has a what you can even nebulize it.
So if you have lung concerns, you can nebulize DMSO and it will help the alveoli get blood flow to them and help reduce mucus production because it’s an antiinflammatory.
So I mean you’re using it, it’s actually an end said it’s actually better than an the end sets we have without the kidney damage.
So it’s it really is versatile and I mean, I literally could write multiple books on it going forward because there’s just so much data and really cool stuff to learn.
I mean, I’m just so ignorant.
I don’t know what dose to get.
I wouldn’t know where to buy it from.
I wouldn’t know how to dilute it.
And I need to do all this research.
I you know when you know, you know and it’s easy, but you know when you don’t know.
Even the easiest thing just sounds like an insurmountable mountain.
But yeah, I’m looking.
That’s why I wrote the book.
I wrote the book because it’s all there.
It’s like it’s a it’s an easy guide.
It’s like, OK, now I know, I know to use it, and I did dilute it.
I know the possible risks, you know, I know what the applications are for.
I have recipes in there so people can make their own recipes at home.
They can make their own eye drops at home, you know, so it’s actually, once you get over that, you’re good.
You’ll you’ll know how to use it without really even having to do even more research, OK?
That important, important question.
I had the goddamn worst cold sore ever.
Can I treat that with it?
It’s really great for shingles, herpes, all of those things which are really just wastes that get into the nerve body and the nerve body wants to get rid of it.
Say it’s a piece of metal, like a little bit of aluminum from something you ate, right?
Gets in the nerve body.
It has to open up.
It wants to push it out physically.
The body, it’s too volatile to send it through the roots of elimination through the liver, so it’s got to come out through the skin.
And So what you do with the DMSO, it kills the pain and heals it over fast, but it chelates and grabs that out.
So I’ve had a lot of shingles, shingles cases, which obviously is very painful, and I have them use the DMSO on repeat until everything is just drained out of them and they never get shingles again.
They never get herpes again.
It’s it’s healed, it’s done.
It’s not or like oh you have it and it’s recurring.
So I could over once you cleanse the tissue.
So I could wash my face and just spray a tiny bit of my finger and rub it around the area where I normally get the cold sore correct.
I’m gonna do that.
Geez, I use probably like a I would do like a 50% start with a 50% solution, maybe in some Aloe Vera or just pure distilled water and you could even go as high as I would say 80% for that area.
So just always start a test patch, Always start slow and work up to your dose and.
Just apply it with your flat spot treat or use something to apply it.
How would you apply it?
Yeah, it’ll go through your hand, but it’s not a big deal.
I mean, Dr. Jacob would use natural bristle brushes from like Horsetail, you know, or he would use a pure cotton, pure cotton.
He would have like a little stick he would make if you for people to get it on their backs, you know, like, so you dip it in the cotton and you put it on if you don’t want to touch it with your hands.
But I just go for it, especially that little amount.
Got it.
This is amazing.
This is amazing.
Amanda, you’re amazing.
This is what I mean.
I love having these conversations with people.
I mean, a few years back, I would never have had a conversation like this, you know?
Now and now I’m just learning so much and I love it.
I love it.
You know, I’m like a little kid in a candy shop every now that you know, I would go and go, What’s that?
What’s that?
What’s that?
Although I wouldn’t go in a candy shop now, I don’t believe in that stuff.
Garbage anyway, No.
Figuratively speaking, I wasn’t actually mean.
Literally, no, I don’t do that kind of stuff.
So tell me.
You know, you clearly take care of yourself and your health.
You know what would be like your.
Let’s give it 55 top tips to the listeners, like what would be the top five top ways that you would say to people look after your health and optimize your your well-being?
Yeah, there’s there.
I could literally do like a top 100, but yeah.
Next time, yes.
There’s so many things.
That’s why.
And that’s what that’s the good news, right?
Because there are many different ways you can regain your health.
There is are many, there are many avenues that you could take.
I would say just basic free things, you know, free free things that people don’t do is go to bed at 9:00 or 9:30 PM.
Don’t not stay up until one AM, 2:00 AM, get because it throws off your circadian rhythm and that’s a big deal.
People underestimate what that means.
But it really means that your brain during the hours of between 9:00 and 1:00 do not cleanse.
They don’t detox.
That’s the cleansing time for the brain.
So if you’re not, if you’re going to bed 1:00 in the morning, forget your brain cleansing.
You’ll get a little bit of your REM sleep later, right?
So you’re packing some of the experiences away, but you’re not getting restorative sleep.
So that’s a simple thing, ultimately, that people can work toward getting their liquids that they drink, right?
Like the the, the types of drinking of weird stuff, it just blows my mind.
Like these Gatorades and these powered drinks and this and even the coffee.
I mean, we’re just literally poisoning ourselves with all of these beverages.
Like drink pure structured water and really connect with the water and understand that water has more than we realize.
It has consciousness.
It has awareness.
It has memory.
You know you can program your water in ways that will help you heal and the water will hold that frequency.
We’ve done studies.
We’ve seen this and.
So just hold on, hold on, clear, hold on.
What do you mean structured water?
And how can we make it with the best frequency?
Well, there’s multiple ways you can structure it, but really it’s a hexagonal H3O2 that you’re trying to help the water get into that shape rather than H2O where the, you know, they’re just bouncing around and that is called easy water or the fourth phase of water.
If you study Gerald Pollack’s work, I’ve heard of that.
I know about that, right?
Or Dr. Ling, you know, he Gilbert Ling, he went into a lot of the fourth phase of water and that it’s pure and it is electrical.
So it allows in our cells for like a battery to function.
Basically you have your bulk water situated next to the easy water, right.
So you know, you have made a little negative positive zone and now you have a battery.
And so we need to flush and cleanse the tissues all the time with pure water.
And so if you’re just drinking tap water full of fluoride and chlorine and bromine and somebody else’s birth control pills and whatever else, you know that’s not going to do it for you, OK?
Oh no, you really know.
You don’t need man boobs.
You don’t need moobs, OK?
You need to not drink the water.
No one needs that.
No one needs that.
So like that.
Getting your water right and really thinking about the water that you’re drinking and to stop drinking coffee.
Stop it.
Just stop it.
It’s the drink of slaves.
You must.
You must.
I have to stop.
I know.
I know.
I’m sorry, really.
You know what?
If you really wanna learn, If you wanna learn about the brain and the body, I’d challenge you to do that as an experiment on yourself.
Because after about 3 weeks to a month of.
I’ve got tears welling up in my eyes.
I can tell you that my life only improved by stopping it now.
I know.
I’m not talking about the emotional stuff with it and the smell.
All the stuff that we have, memories and connections, OK, And social stuff and OK, just put that aside for a second.
I’m just talking about the physiological effects of drinking the coffee right in the morning and what it does to the brain, which is basically cut off blood flow about to half.
OK, So that is not.
And also kicks your adrenals into that cortisol state we were talking about.
And so here you are drinking like a cup of stress.
Like a cup of stress, literally.
Oh, my cup of stress in the morning, you know, And why do you feel alert?
Well, because you’re in fight or flight mode, literally.
And you will burn your adrenals out doing that.
But you really compromise proper blood flow and you affect the nervous system in a way that is considered like a toxic manner.
And So what happens is you’re you’re not able to sleep well at night.
Also, it affects sleep.
One of the things when I quit coffee, my sleep improved like you and I couldn’t believe it.
I finally got that nice all the way through the night sleep that I always want, you know, instead of waking a couple times a night or whatever, OK?
And it was just cutting out the coffee.
OK, OK, let’s do this experiment.
How long do I need to stop coffee for?
OK, here’s what you need to do.
Don’t go just cold Turkey because you’ll get stupid headache and you’ll feel like shit for two or three days.
No, just slowly start reducing your levels each day and maybe have a little like, you know, see you later.
Thanks for the love and I appreciate you.
I’ll see you again at some time.
But you know, like to have a little appreciation rituals.
You like, you know, phase it out.
So don’t cut cold Turkey.
Try to do it slowly.
I’m gonna find another morning beverage that no, you aren’t.
You’re going to be like, this is cool, this is cool shit, because I’m going to have a new beverage morning routine that is completely different.
And like, I use something called Inca, which is a dandelion chicory base of my morning beverage.
OK, so I still have my Mugga, my nice mug, my warm thing, my moment to really settle in and think about my day.
And like because people long for that type of ritual for themselves to set their day.
So you can still do it with a different beverage, just not that one.
And then once you give it about three or four weeks, but note your progress, maybe have a little, you know, I quit coffee book and just say, you know what My, I I thought that I was going to be constipated because the morning coffee gets me going.
But actually if I just drink some water in the morning, it’s the same thing.
Or lemon water in the morning.
I mean if you switch those two lemon water.
Versus that you have a whole different liver system going on there.
You are just way ahead of the game on health when you do that.
So just test yourself for about 3 weeks, 4 weeks and see how you feel it’s gonna happen.
You can do it.
Come on, do.
You know what I hate?
You’re gonna be the experimenter.
You’re not the first person to say stop coffee so Dame it if it’s a theme, you gotta listen, yeah?
I need to.
I need.
OK, that’s God talking through people to you.
Yeah, I’m not going to lie.
You’re like the third person.
I can’t ignore it.
OK, fine.
I’m still going to have a little cry.
So OK, fine.
I’ll start winding down and then about 5 days time real men cry by the way.
And about 5 days time I’ll stop and then we’ll start seeing.
I do have problems sleeping.
I I wake up once or twice at night I I just put it down to my tiny bladder.
I do find that as soon as I drink I need to pee again.
I put it down to my tiny bladder.
OK, fine.
You OK?
You’ve got me on the coffee.
What else?
OK, so you did that really well.
You handled it quite well.
Then I would say to really just take a look at your diet, you don’t have to do radical changes.
You just have to look what are you eating on a daytoday basis?
What does it kind of look like for you?
Is it still full of fast food?
Is it still full of like, seed oils and too much carbs and too much snacking?
Do you know one of the ways you can prevent diabetes is to not snack?
Like, just eat a good breakfast, maybe a small lunch.
You don’t even need that much food, but OK, small lunch.
If you’re really working out hard and working hard, you need a little more food, good lunch, and then your dinner and that’s it.
And quit the snacking.
Because when you eat, you have glucose coming in, and then of course you have to manufacture insulin.
And so then the insulin’s high to deal with the glucose, take it into the cell, give the energy and nutrients a love to the cells that they need, right?
And everything drops away and everything normalizes.
But then and you eat again, it goes up, right?
And then this process happens again and it normalizes.
Well, guess what?
If you eat and then you, your insulin’s on the look going down, but then you eat again, it’s pushed back up again, and then you eat again and then you eat again.
You continue this high insulin level throughout the body, yes, it will stop regulating itself.
It will not go back down at that point.
Even if you stop eating, it will not go back down.
And then you’re moving into inflammatory problems, pancreatic abuse.
Now you’re getting into not just resistance, but full on, you know diabetes, metabolic problem.
So just by watching what you’re eating and not snacking all day, you’re going to change the way your digestion gets to rest.
Even if you do intermittent fasting, that’s what I like to do.
I’ll intermittent fast in the morning.
I won’t eat until I feel that real hunger come, which is usually around 1112 o’clock.
And I’ll eat my first meal and then I don’t eat again until probably around 5:00.
And that’s it.
That’s my last meal.
I might snack a little if I have to work late, you know, writing or something like that if I get, you know, piece of fruit or something.
But that’s what you need for your day and not this heavy.
These big meals of wow, what I see people eating is shocking.
So you don’t have to.
I’m saying you don’t have to change everything overnight, but really consider how.
Where is the nutrients?
Where are the nutrients coming in?
Are you digesting?
Well, you know, maybe you need something to help you digest.
I usually suggest if something you eat gives you an inflammatory response, like gas or bloating, you don’t eat that food.
That’s not a food for you, right?
And always eat fruit 1st and then you’re heavier food.
Don’t eat heavy meals with meat and carbs or whatever.
And then put fruit on top, which is a very quick metabolizer because you’ll ferment the food and you’ll create bloating and gas.
So don’t, don’t put the fruit on top of a heavy meal.
So that’s like a simple tip you can use.
So look at your food, decide what you know is bad for you, and make the decision to switch it out for something healthy.
Just even a couple things, because it’s these little things that add up that make a huge difference over the long term.
Yeah, you can have a treat, as they call it now and again, when what’s treats?
Treats are poison, but whatever, you can have your poison every now again, usually.
Well, it’s like I deserve it.
I’m a good girl or boy.
I can have a treat now.
But what is the retreat?
The the treat is generally something that’s gonna hurt you.
It’s just so warp.
How do you deserve pain now?
Like, no, if your treat should be, I’m gonna go walk to the beach and like, ground myself and, like, lay in the sun and give, you know, give thanks for my existence.
You know that would be like a treat.
You know what?
I absolutely.
You know, I listen on the when I’m at the school gates and I hear other parents go.
OK, let’s go to McDonald’s.
You know, you guys can have a treat.
I’m just thinking exactly what you just said.
Oh, that’s nice.
That’s nice.
You love your kids so much, you’re going to go and poison them for a treat.
That’s nice.
I obviously don’t say that as a parent’s face.
I’m unpopular as enough as that wouldn’t go well.
Yeah, well, I’m, I’m popular enough as it is.
I mean, I just, I don’t want people to actually hiss when I pass by.
Now you know it’s like there’s degrees to which I made a mistake in my I know I made a mistake doing I’ve made mistakes like that before and I but I’m well into my my intention is well you know I really just want everyone to be well that’s my all my like I have this altruistic problem right And altruistic people are not are not loved they aren’t actually people think that those who are really altruistic are cared for.
But no, altruistic people are always trying to improve themselves and try to do the right thing when and then other another person who might not be doing that looks at an altruistic person, they judge them or they assume that they are being judged and so then they they get on the on the offensive and they start judging back and so usually get marginalized when you’re when you’re altruistic.
So you know, whatever it’s my path, it’s.
Funny, no, you’re right.
But it reminds me if someone said to me, and it doesn’t, it really doesn’t pay to be, you know, someone speaking the truth and trying to help.
Because you get burnt on the downside and you get burnt on the upside.
There is no, there’s no, there’s no reward.
There’s no reward for, you know, trying to help and do the right thing.
But you know, we we’re not doing reward.
The reward is your soul.
The reward is is is for later, yeah. 100% still rewards.
It’s just not.
It’s just, I know, I know.
It’s, it can be very distressing.
And a lot of people who do this burn out or, you know, don’t do well mentally or emotionally, you know, because of that.
And so we have to do selfcare, have selfcare in place all the time.
And that’s where I say to.
Well, you know, another tip for people is to have a practice where they are selfreflecting somewhere in their day, you know, because so many people, when they get home from work or whatever they’re doing, they just switch on the television.
So I just challenge everyone to try to do TV, No TV for one week, OK, No shows, none of that stuff.
Just have like a holiday from it, right?
And see what happens to you where your creativity comes and what your thought forms are.
And like what has changed?
Like do these little mini experiments with yourself in when you’re in like a habitual routine.
Like question, is that really healthy for for you?
When do you get to sit and contemplate and think about your life and think about what your goals and needs and things actually actually created a course on yummy dot doctor My website is the very first course that I recommend everyone do before they take any other course is to get clear with themselves.
What are you after?
Why are you even questioning about your your condition of where you’re at, your vitality right now?
What is it about your vitality that you want to change?
Do you want to cleanse?
Do you want?
Like what are you after?
What is your goal?
Do you even really consider it?
Who is it going to affect?
You know what’s just people don’t take the time for contemplation, for meditation, for moments just to be still and not be stimulated all the time.
And so getting into a good practice is so it just brings your happiness level up such a remarkable way.
And cuz joy are those little moments in between the tasks when you just have a bear witness to your existence and like can realize something beautiful in that moment doesn’t have to be this big thing.
It doesn’t have to be Joy’s going to McDonald’s or Joy’s going to like on a trip to Bahamas or something, even though that can be very fun.
But you know, I’m saying it’s like you can bring joy into your life with these little in between moments that you but you have to be aware in the now you have to be conscious in that moment to have the joy.
Otherwise you don’t get it.
So if you practice those contemplations and those moments of quiet a quietude, it can really benefit your mental emotional health and bring more, you know, joy into your life.
So that’s another tip.
Beautiful, 100%, I agree with that.
Listen, I’ve got two questions for you #1.
Will you come back in January and give me your top 25 tips?
Not these ones.
You’ve already done them top top 20.
Is that a good one?
I could do that.
OK, Well, yeah, yeah, if I if you have, you have to talk to Fabian first because he’s in the schedule guy, so he’ll tell you what’s available.
Yes, awesome.
OK, amazing.
Second question, Second question.
You have reached the grand old age of 173.
You’ve lived a long, healthy life.
You’re surrounded by all your children, your great grandchildren, all that kind of jazz, and you’re on your deathbed very comfortable, and you’re going to be meeting your maker soon.
Before you part and before you depart this world, what advice, health or otherwise, would you give?
That’s a deep sigh, deep breath.
Oh yeah, there’s so many.
There’s so much there.
Like, immediately brings tears to my eyes.
So I’m just like, I would say that every moment is precious, every breath is precious.
So not to squander the preciousness we’ve come here for the experience, the illusion in a sense, but the experience of preciousness and the experience of forgetting who we are, We already are perfect.
Everything is already done.
There is nothing wrong.
Nothing is wrong.
Everything just is.
And so you don’t really need to fix anything, and you don’t need to toil in this life unnecessarily.
You just need to remember that this is a beautiful, flowing, temporary experience that you’re meant to gain from, to expand from, and to be witness for the divine, and that everything you can else you can out breath as as the out breath comes.
The last out breath through death is the true letting go.
But the most that you can live is through this letting go process as you continue to not grasp for life and cling to things that will never serve you.
The more you can do that, the happier the lighter you’ll be and the more gifts that will come in your experience.
So I would that would be along the lines of what I would say.
Beautiful, beautiful.
What a lovely note to end on.
Thank you so much.
You’ve been just wonderful to talk to, Can’t wait to speak to you again honestly.
And I will share all your links and website book, all that kind of stuff on on the website.
So thank you so much everyone listening.
This was Amanda D Volmer and thank you.
I hope you enjoyed it.
Don’t forget, follow me.
And support my show because God knows when I can go back to work, if ever.
Everyone, thank you so much and good night, Amanda.
That was amazing.
Thank you.
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