#288 – Raja Miah: Pakistani Grooming Gangs In England


WARNING – This podcast is highly addictive and seriously good for your health.


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Raja Miah is an activist and campaigner highlighting the Pakistani grooming gangs ravaging England.

Of over 300 podcasts I have recorded, this was one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, conversations I have had.

In the periphery of my awareness, I knew that there was a problem in Rotherham with Pakistani grooming gangs, but this conversation has made me realise that what we are facing is a National catastrophe. Justice needs to be served immediately, and thousands of people are locked up in Jail and then deported once their sentence has been served. Anything less is simply unacceptable. Those covering up the crimes also need to be punished.

I don’t know what else to say. I can’t end with enjoy because you won’t enjoy this podcast. It’s a painful listen, but people need to hear it. There has to be national outrage, and politicians held accountable so that something can be done immediately.

Ahmad x



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