#236 – Andrew Wakefield: Protocol 7, Merck Corruption And The Truth About Vaccines

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In this conversation, Andy and I discuss his film Protocol 7, which exposes Merck’s fraudulent vaccine safety practices. We cover the legal struggles of whistleblowers, collusion between pharmaceutical companies and government agencies, and the broader public health implications.

We also touch on the rise in autism, corrupt scientific research, and the power of film in raising awareness. I share my experiences speaking out against the mainstream, while Andy stresses the need for transparency in the pharmaceutical industry.

We also explore vaccinology, the history of vaccines, and how COVID-19 has impacted public health and filmmaking. We question vaccine efficacy, examine the immune system, and discuss flaws in vaccine safety studies, reflecting on how big pharma has shaped medicine and our personal journeys in challenging the status quo.

For further details, visit my website, www.docmalik.com or my substack, www.docmalik.substack.com


Ahmad x




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