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#153 – Climate: The Movie (Bonus Full Movie At The End Of The Podcast)
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About this conversation:
Tom Nelson has an MS degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He was involved in tech and software for many years.
In 2005, as an avid bird-watcher, he became heavily involved in debunking a high-profile, but bogus “Ivory-billed Woodpecker” rediscovery that opened his eyes to the problems with blindly trusting “peer-reviewed science”.
Then a meteorologist pointed out lots of parallels between that woodpecker debate and the climate change debate, and Tom has been debunking climate change claims online almost daily since then.
Tom is the producer of “Climate: The Movie”. Tom had flown in from the US last week for the UK premiere and he swung by my studio to talk about the film.
This film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science.
I hope you enjoy this episode.
Much love Ahmad
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Ahmad (00:00.494)
Right, so I had Judith Curry on talking about climate change, but the truth is, I was surprised because she didn’t really talk that much about climate. She just had so much other stuff to talk about. She was talking about how disappointed she is with science. She’s talking about her own injury from the COVID jabs, which really took me by surprise. Like one, how someone who’s so skeptical about the climate scam and is critical of how science has been weaponized and used and how corrupt it is.
went and took an experimental shot. And, you know, it just goes to show how we’re all, we’re all human and we all make mistakes. Right. Um, but yeah, Judith, his podcast was really moving and very powerful, but a lot of my supporters were like, she never talked about climate that much. She never gave any facts and figures and, you know, and I was like, Oh yeah. And then several of my supporters whose names I can’t remember. So forgive me then said, you need to get Tom Nelson on your podcast. And I was like, okay.
And I looked you up on Twitter, which is how I normally find my guests. And I was like, Oh my God, he’s following me. This is so cool. Remember I reached out to you. I was like, this is awesome. So yeah, it’s really nice to have you here, buddy. Yeah. I think you may have seen that I put out a list of my favorite podcasters, maybe a top 10 list and you’re on there as well. So that’s another way that we got connected. So I forgot about that. Yeah. So I looked you up and I was like, Oh, he’s top 10.
Oh my God, I’m on his list. I’m so flattered. This is, this is such an honor. So it’s great to have you here. So listen, um, tell me why did you produce this movie about climate? Like, like what is it that drove you to make this movie with Mike Durkin? Martin, Martin, Martin, Martin Durkin. Why, why did you do this?
Yeah, I think it’s just so important because it’s being used, this climate scam is being used to make money and it’s being used for power. And it’s like the number one, almost, I think it is the number one thing that we need to fight back against for this whole elitism thing with the digital currency. There’s all this talk about, and there’s even starting to implement this thing where using digital currency, they can keep track of how much gas you’re buying.
Ahmad (02:20.366)
or they can keep track of how many times you fly. And if you do any of those things too much, they can cut you off. There’s just all these ways that they can control us based on this entire, this scam, based on this whole idea that CO2 is the climate control knob and that the weather is getting worse than that. There’s a climate crisis. All of that is complete bullshit. All of it. So it’s important to fight. All right. Well, I’m going to push back Buster and say, that’s great that you’re saying it’s a scam. I love that word. This, I think there’s lots of scams.
But listen, are you not just a crazy conspiracy theorist? The planet is dying. I know, Greta Thunberg told me so. Okay, and she did it with an intense stare. You’re killing the planet. So look, we’re killing the planet. The planet is dying. All our children are being taught this in kindergarten, in nursery school, primary school. They’re all being told how bad the human parasite is on this planet and how we are killing it with pumping CO2.
Why is that not true? Why is it a scam? Because yeah, every single thing that they tell you, every single alarming thing they tell you, it is all wrong. There’s nothing at all that’s happening that’s been caused by CO2 that’s alarming. So we have this idea where we’re told that the storms are getting worse. All of these things, tornadoes are getting worse, droughts and floods and fires.
all of those things. You can look and you don’t have to be an expert of any kind to check this stuff out for yourself. You can look at the fire data yourself very easily. You can look at the drought data. You don’t have to be a climate scientist and none of that stuff is getting worse. There’s all we have all this history now of when the droughts have occurred and when the fires have occurred and how bad were they. If you check it out for yourself you’ll find out that they were really bad in the past. Sometimes they’re bad now but the data does not at all support anything alarming. Just
Bad things happen. They’ve always happened and they are not getting worse. CO2 does not make the weather worse in any way. In fact, it can be argued and I agree that more CO2 in the air is good. It’s good for life on Earth. A little more warmth is good for life on Earth. Warm periods have always been better for humans and for other life and cold periods are bad for life. I think Patrick Moore, formerly of Greenpeace, makes these points very eloquently. So more CO2 is better.
Ahmad (04:42.35)
And the whole idea that we want to go back to the cold times of 1850, that does not make any sense at all. Uh, life is a better now than it was in 1850 in just about every way. Well, mate. Yeah. I wouldn’t disagree with the code. Like I have cold bass and everything. Not today. I’ll have it when you leave. Um, and my next podcast is at one o ‘clock with Malcolm McKendrick. He’s a doctor who talks about, um, how heart attacks actually happen. He wrote a book called the clot thickens. Um, so yeah, I’m looking forward to that.
But like, I don’t like the cold. I like the warmth. And when I go somewhere warm and I get proper tan again, this is pale for me. I actually tan and go proper brown. I feel good. The sun is a life giver. Heat is nice and things grow in warm temperatures. You just need to go to the Arctic and see what’s going out there. There’s not much green vegetation. There’s not much
growth, there’s not much life. And actually I think yeah, a warmer planet is good for us and there’s going to be more life. But is the planet getting warmer? And is it because of human beings? You know, this is what they’re saying. The argument is human beings are driving an increase in the temperature of this planet way more than it naturally should do. And one of the main ways that we are doing this is the production of CO2.
And that if we carry on like this, the planet’s going to die. We’re going to kill the planet. Something terrible is going to happen. And I don’t know, you know, it changes. Sometimes it’s acid rain. Sometimes it’s sea levels are rising. I mean, sometimes the storms are just getting worse. I mean, can you just tell me about that? Is the planet getting warmer? Is it warming more than normal, like variations? And are we driving it? Yeah. So it is warmer today than it was in 1850. So.
Earth has warmed since the end of the Little Ice Age. It is cooler now than it was at the peak of the medieval warm period, we think. It’s hard to tell exactly how warm is the earth. Sometimes you see people reports that they tried to get the global average temperature down to the 100th of a degree, and you can’t measure that at all. So it does depend on where your starting point is. It is warmer since 1850. It’s probably cooler since it was in 1200.
Ahmad (07:08.046)
And then there were other warm periods before that that were even warmer. The Minoan warm period and the Roman warm period were warmer, probably quite a bit warmer than we are now. So it’s been cooling since then. So if you just pick any point you want and draw a line, you can say the Earth has been warming since then or cooling since then. But most of the last 600 million years, the Earth has been way warmer than it is now.
This is a relatively cool period. So you can pick any point in the last 600 million years, and it’s quite likely cooler now than it was then. Now, whether humans are driving it, we can’t really tell. Humans, I think, have some, humans do have some effect. Some of the things we do slightly cool the Earth. Some things we do slightly warm the Earth. But the human effect, as far as I can tell, is not even measurable. It’s very controversial to try to figure out what’s going on because the climate is just so complex. There’s…
So many things that are happening. There’s volcanoes and changes in the sun and ocean currents. It’s incredibly complicated. And to try to model it and figure out exactly what caused it and what the feedbacks are. It’s, uh, it’s, I don’t think we’re going to be able to do it, uh, even in another hundred years. I don’t think we’re going to fully understand what’s happening. Oh dude, you just, you just picked my favorite word. I was just about to mention my favorite word model. Oh yeah. I’m not talking about my plane model over here. I’m talking about modeling. I love model. I love a bit modeling.
Look, I did a model and the model shows this. The model shows that COVID is going to kill most of the planet. Yeah, right. You know, I mean, the thing with models I found is that you put garbage in, you get garbage out. You put shit in, you put shit out. And models are also very simplistic models because it doesn’t really take into account so many other issues and factors like you’ve just talked about.
So when it comes to climate, you know, they talk about CO2 being this driver of climate change. I read somewhere, and I want you to confirm if this is the case or not, that CO2, man -made CO2, accounts for something like 0 .2 % of like temperature change or something like that. Is that true? Is that correct? It’s like a meniscal fraction. Yeah, it’s a small fraction. I mean, the total CO2 in the air right now is just a little bit over 0 .04%. Some people…
Ahmad (09:26.798)
when you ask them how much CO2 is in the air, they say 10 % or more. But anyway, it’s just a tiny little bit of CO2. And it’s controversial how much of the rise in CO2 since 1850 has been caused by humans because we don’t fully understand even the carbon cycle. I do believe that humans have been some of the reason for the increase, but some of the other reason for the increase in CO2 might be because the oceans have naturally warmed and then they’ve degassed some CO2.
So CO2 has risen naturally too, because of that warming. And we don’t really know what percentage is attributable to humans. We don’t know. So we still, we still don’t know like cause and effect. And the thing is like, I keep saying like, one of the biggest things that I notice on my everyday basis, but that affects temperature is the sun. When it, when the sun goes down and it’s nighttime, it’s cold. When the sun comes up as a midday, it’s warm.
You know, the sun is clearly driving a lot of our climates, all of our climate. The sun, you know, if we weren’t, if we didn’t have the sun, this planet would be a dead planet. So, you know, solar flares, where we are in position of the sun, that surely must be the biggest driver of change, climate change in this planet. And then there must be other factors like, like you’ve just said, oceans, algae, you know, storms, volcanoes, volcanoes led off
give off ash that blocks out the sun’s rays. And isn’t the case that when there were asteroid impacts, the cloud dust that’s come off has cooled the planet? Am I right? And they can see the layers of that cloud dust and different samples around the world and say, right, this is when there was an impact, and that’s why there was a bit of cooling in the planet after that. So what I’m saying is there’s lots of things that drive temperature on this planet.
and most of them, we don’t really understand how they work together. So how can you model something that you don’t actually even have a full grasp of? If that makes sense. Yeah, it totally makes sense that however complex you think it is, I think it’s way more complex than that. It’s just there’s hundreds of factors. We don’t know the order of which one is the most important. And then there’s all the feedbacks of the factors and there’s all sorts of stuff happening on all sorts of different timescales that there might be.
Ahmad (11:48.686)
The temperature on earth could naturally fluctuate on many different timescales. And sometimes those fluctuations get, uh, they line up so that we get a really warm period when all of these cycles line up. So it is so complicated and it’s interesting listening to all the experts on my podcast who’ve really dug into that. I’ve done 200 podcasts. I’ve had all sorts of people who’ve dedicated years to looking at this and they have all sorts of different theories as to what’s happening. And, uh, there’s not agreement as to what’s happening because it’s just.
Again, it’s just so complicated. So did you just get 200 quacks on your podcast who question climate change? Or did you get, have you had anyone who’s pro climate change on? I have asked enormous amounts of people who are pro climate change, tens of them to be on my podcast and almost all of them ignore me or say that there’s no way I’m doing that. I would love to have all of them on my podcast. I’d like to have everybody give their best pitch to tell us what do you think is happening?
and maybe they’ll listen to this. Maybe somebody else will do it. I want to hear from everybody. Isn’t that funny? Cause I’m in a similar position. People always say to me like, Oh, you know, Oh, you know, you never have anyone who’s pro vaccine on your podcast. I’m like, seriously? I’ve invited so many. And it’s like, I’m like, come on all the doctors and celebrities that pushed the COVID jabs come on my podcast, talk about it, put your case forward. And it’s just,
total silence. I’ve not even had a response. I mean, there’s been some people that I’ve approached for podcasts, like, you know, again, certain topical issues, you know, if you’re pro Zionism and pro Israel, come on, come on my show. And they’ve gone and they’ve just said no. So I think the problem is if you want to push a certain narrative, you should be willing to back it up and talk about it and debate and just debate in a healthy way. Like you don’t need to agree on everything.
So it’s a bit sad that you’ve told me no one’s come on who’s been pushing the climate thing. Yeah. It hasn’t been no one. There’s been two people, Gerald Kootenay and Jeff Price. Those two said yes. So other than that, everyone. And what were their arguments? Oh, Kootenay basically says, trust the experts. He admits he doesn’t know what’s going on, but his whole argument is trust the experts. Oh, that’s a, that’s a great argument. Okay. What about the other guy?
Ahmad (14:13.058)
He had some other arguments. He’s dug into it some more. But like we talked in great detail about the Great Barrier Reef, that CO2 is supposed to be killing the Great Barrier Reef. Absolutely not true. So one thing I brought up is why did the Great Barrier Reef recently reach a record high in coral cover? We’re supposed to think it’s bleaching, it’s dying, it’s going to be gone soon, but it just reached a record high. But you’re saying, oh, it’s the wrong kind of coral that these are. It’s like more like weeds. We don’t want this type of coral. But.
There’s that type of thing. I had Peter Ridd on the other side who knows everything. He’s an expert on Great Barrier Reef coral. And he’s saying any way you look at it, Great Barrier Reef, the coral fluctuates. It’s sometimes it’s high, sometimes it’s low, but the whole idea that CO2 is killing it. It’s just complete propaganda. It’s not true in any way. I’ve been to the Great Barrier Reef. I did my advanced diving at there. It was very nice. And the best thing was a night dive. Wow. Absolutely terrific. The, the.
the boat had these massive floodlights. And so it lit up the ocean floor, the sea bed, and the light reflected back out. And it was just so eerie. And it was like, you were in space, you know, just floating in space. And then these big silver fish are swimming past. And it’s quite incredible. Could you lay on your back and see the stars? Somebody was telling me you could do that. Is that possible or not? No, when I was going up, when I was going back up to the surface, I mean, all you can see is these big…
bright floodlights. So no, I’m not sure what they were talking about. I mean, maybe, but I mean, this boat had big was, it was a big boat. It was one that you lived on for like three nights. So it was a big boat, big lights. It was incredible. Anyway, what I was going to say was the coral reef looked amazing then. And that was 2010. Maybe global warming hadn’t really peaked at that point, but it was, it fine. It looked, it looked wonderful. So listen, what do you think is actually,
What is the problem here? Because if you go to the news and the media and the Guardian and the BBC or watch the movies, there’s so much coming of Hollywood. It’s the same narrative, right? CO2, global warming. The UN comes out with it. If you look at the UN agendas, you know, sustainable planet, prevent global warming, zero emissions. I came across this document yesterday on a podcast. I can’t remember which it was, but it was saying how we need all the countries to sign up to
Ahmad (16:37.87)
net zero by 2050. Big, big policies now are being made on this basis that CO2 is driving climate change. Climate change is a problem and CO2 is causing it and it’s caused by us human beings. It’s in the media, it’s in the TVs, it’s in the movies, it’s in the books. Kids are being taught it. And very few scientists are speaking out against it. A lot of scientists are promoting it.
How is everyone, like so many people saying one thing and a few people like us saying no, who’s right and why are they pushing it if it’s wrong? That is a great question. I think a huge part of it is simple groupthink. I think there’s a lot of people who are pushing it, who sincerely believe it because they’re reading it everywhere. They’re seeing it everywhere. They think it must be true because it’s everywhere. I think just straight up groupthink is maybe the worst problem here.
But then there is a sinister agenda. I think there are some people who know that it’s all a complete crock and they’re pushing it anyway for other reasons. And there’s a lot of other reasons, as I mentioned before, just power. And I think Richard Lindson has said that if you can control CO2, you can control life. It’s just one thing. It’s one way that they, elites can use to control all of us because of this CO2 scare. So I think that’s a huge part of it too.
And then there’s this whole issue of people being canceled because there’s all these people like Will Happer says in the movie he talks about he is maybe he’s an older guy now and he’s free to speak out and enormous numbers of the skeptics they start speaking out when they’re older when they can’t be canceled and He says straight up that when he was 30 even though he knew it was nonsense when he was 30 He wouldn’t say anything about it as a 30 year old because you get canceled you lose your job if you have a mortgage or whatever else yeah, I know there’s the
you know all about that. I think that’s a huge incentive. There’s huge incentive for people to just go along with the narrative is easier. You get to keep your job and you’re not labeled with all these denier labels and anti science and whatever. So just the easiest thing in the world is just go along with it, even though you privately don’t believe. I think there’s tons of people who publicly believe in it and privately do not believe in it. That’s a big factor. Tom, how old are you? I am 62. You look good for 62, buddy. Thank you.
Ahmad (19:06.414)
You look really good. And you know, one of the things I was, I was going to come to something I’ll talk about that in a second. Um, I, when I picked you up, I was like, dude, this isn’t the picture on your WhatsApp profile. You’ve lost weight. I have lost weight. You’re looking good. And the reason I lost weight is a you. You, I never told you to lose weight. You didn’t directly.
speak to me and tell me, but I did hear you speaking with, uh, Mike Michael Ferris of coffee and a Mike. You’re on his pod a couple of times. He was on your pod and, uh, that helped me and my wife. We both started intermittent fasting in June of last year and it’s been working great for us. Uh, it’s, uh, thank you for doing that. It’s been, it’s been a huge benefit to my health. Yeah, dude. It’s huge. How much have you lost? Because seriously, looking at your picture, I was like, man, you’ve got a double chin in this and now look at you. Like you’ve got a.
Clean jaw and everything. So how much did you lose? I think maybe just 15 or 20 pounds, but I think I might’ve lost some fat, maybe gained some muscle because again, I think I did. Yeah. And that does not feel good. It feels great. Yeah. I’ve been doing lots of pushups and stuff. I feel strong and, uh, feel way more productive in terms of, I just don’t spend the time, uh, eating breakfast. I’m doing something else. I don’t know if that’s, I do feel more feel more energized. It’s a great thing. very youthful and great. Seriously. 62.
62. Yeah. Well, if you’re not a walking, talking advertisement for intimate fasting. So how many hours do you fast? Like when do you eat and when do you like clothes? Let’s see. I was starting breakfast around 10 AM and stop eating at 6 PM. Is that so? Yeah, you got a pretty wide window. Long window. Yeah. And what about what you’re eating? Yeah. Eating a lot of meat. Yeah. Also based on you, your advice. Yeah.
Lots of meats and I’m not afraid to eat butter anymore because there was a time, oh, butter is going to kill you, blah, blah, blah. You can plenty of eggs and that type of thing. Do you not find there’s just so many lies? Like this whole climate thing is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s so many lies out there. That’s the thing. That’s the thing that so many people are waking up. I definitely, I was believing in that whole thing. Like breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I believe that for so many decades and I was a huge breakfast guy. Now I’m, I don’t do it. So.
Ahmad (21:30.702)
There’s this whole dynamic of what else are they lying to you about? And the answer is just about everything. I don’t know. I don’t know what to believe, but lots of lies out there. Yeah. I was listening to a podcast with, um, on the geopolitics and empire podcast. And the latest guest was like, everything, everything is a lie. And I think, I think that’s a healthy position to come. And he’s talking about like what the authorities are telling you and what you see on TV and what you listen to on the radio or whatever. Just.
Just take it as that’s a lie and then go backwards from there and decipher if it’s what’s true or not. And I think that’s actually quite a healthy position to take because the food, everything that we’re taught is healthy. The food pyramids, the food plates, it’s all garbage. And then, and then the medical system about how to stay healthy. I mean, here, just take lots of pills, you know, no, that’s not healthy. And then yeah, the propaganda, the wars that we’re all led to believe are just and righteous.
because we’re the good guys. Then the whole climate thing. Going back to the climate thing, the reason why I was asking about your age was, I don’t know, I’m just, am I being naive? Was there a time in the 70s and 80s when science was a little bit more true and was less corrupted? Or has it always been like this? Has it always been agendas and motivations and political shenanigans going on?
To me, I think, like, you know how we had this period of enlightenment in the 1700s and 1800s, whatever, and people found out science and we came out of the dark ages, even if that existed, who knows? But, you know, we questioned everything. You know, we questioned all the dogmas. We even challenged religious views and stuff and in the pursuit of truth. And that’s what led us to the innovations and the scientific advancements. I feel like we’ve gone backward now. Like, science is more about
pursuit of money and funding and prestige and, you know, being acknowledged and actually truth kind of comes way down the pecking order. What do you think? Was there time more recently when it was better or is it we’re just being aware of it now?
Ahmad (23:48.238)
I think you’re right that it used to be better in the maybe even in the seventies and eighties. And that’s not because I was keeping track then. And I know, but, but I’ve talked to a lot of older people who were around on my podcast and I’ve asked them that very question and they have said, yeah, it used to be even in the climate world, it used to be that both sides could talk and nobody got canceled, but that has just gotten worse and worse. So it has a near as I can tell by talking to these veterans that it’s worse now for sure than it used to be.
This cancel culture business is really quite sinister. It’s like, it’s worse than the communist era, I think, you know, because in the communist era, you knew, you knew who was going to cancel you and you knew what would have you canceled. Like basically questioning the state and your leaders got you into trouble. So guess what? You don’t question the leaders of the state. You just, you just stay quiet. And you know, now it’s not really the state that does the canceling. It’s corporations, it’s institutions, it’s
universities, it’s schools, it’s hospitals. Like I just, I was talking about, you know, how I was canceled. I was suspended, um, last November by the Princess Grace hospital because of a podcast with Ava Bartlett. And they said, Oh, we’ve got concerns that you’re spreading hateful views and antisemitic. And now four months, they suspended me, did an investigation and I showed you the letter and it’s like, I haven’t malik did a very balanced podcast. There was nothing really there at all. And, but that’s not.
The issue, the issue is you’re not going along with what we want you to say. We’re going to suspend you. We’re going to punish you. And the process quite often is the punishment. You know, four months, if I was still working is a third of my income. That’s my profit for the year. That’s just broken me. You know, so now you’re telling me about scientists being canceled or funding being withdrawn. And I had a young kid here whose podcast is going to come out soon who was canceled by the university, you know, just because he didn’t follow the narrative.
How do we get to this point where we’ve got this cancel culture everywhere in the West? We’re meant to be the land of the free. Yeah, I’m generally encouraged by what’s happening. Even I think we’ve hit a peak in the cancel culture and then podcasts like yours and all these other ones of people like Joe Rogan is getting huge audiences. Tucker Carlson even all sorts of free speech is happening on the internet. It really seems to me like the
Ahmad (26:12.814)
The bad times have peaked. I don’t know if that, if I’m too much of a Pollyanna, but I really encourage that so many people are waking up even in my normal life, as I’m walking around talking to people, it seems like people are sharing more these days than they were five years ago about how, you know, CNN said this and of course, CNN is wrong. I’m hearing a lot more of that. So I think, uh, I’m encouraged. I’m happy about the way things are going. Yeah. Yeah. But the cancel thing is still real.
The fact that, you know, like you said, scientists are like, oh, you know what, I’ve got a young family, I’ve got a mortgage, I’m just going to shut up and go along with the lie. How are we going to fix that? We can’t just wait for older people who are retired to be the ones speaking out. Doctors, scientists, you name it, wherever, journalists, lawyers. How do we fight back this cancel culture? Because the problem is,
Too few people are scared to speak up because of the repercussions. You were saying to me, it’s really brave what you’re doing. You’ve seen this little picture here of my three young kids. I’m doing it because of them. And it’s tough for me. I’m worrying about how I’m going to pay the bills. And we’re limping along literally month by month. But it’s like, what’s the alternative? I just stayed quiet.
my kids end up with this weird dystopian world that we’re going in? How do we fight back this cancel culture? I really think we just we need more people exactly like you that have the courage to stand up. It’s so important that you’re doing what you’re doing. This has got to inspire other people to do it. And other people have to do this. If you’re listening to this, whoever you are, you should do this. It’s so important. And there’s safety in numbers, I think, with this climate, the movie coming out.
I think that’s going hopefully inspire more people to say, okay, it’s in this movie, a lot of people are watching it, maybe I should admit publicly that I agree with this, that the narrative is all a complete crock. And I think there is a chance that the whole thing might crumble quite quickly as people all of a sudden start saying it’s a crock. And it might go the other way. The group thing could go the other way as more and more people are added to the sane group. And the…
Ahmad (28:26.926)
this, uh, this crazy thing that there’s a climate crisis, a flight, a fake climate crisis. It can’t last forever. So why shouldn’t it just crumble soon? Please. Yeah, why can’t it? I really want this bubble scam to crash. Yeah. I had a chat with Jacob Nordengard. Have you ever heard of him? He’s been on my podcast and he’s scheduled to be on again. Yeah. He’s a good guy. I love that guy. I love that guy too. Now he talks about how the Rockefellers are some of the primary drivers behind the scam.
Are you aware of that? Are you aware of some, like you used the word elite. I hate using that word. They’re nothing elite about them. They’re philanthropists and criminal crats. They’re just scum. But you know, these, this predator class who wants more power, more control. Um, they seem to have had an agenda, a driving hand, you know, uh, behind the scenes. Are you aware of any of this? I definitely am. I’ve read a lot about it. I’ve learned a lot from Nordengard himself and
Yeah, there was a time not too long ago when people would mention the Rockefellers and I would just sort of roll my eyes before I was awake. But now, yeah, it’s I am aware of it. And I when I say elite, that’s what they think of themselves as elite. I don’t think of them as elite. I agree with you. But I think there’s a core group of people with a lot of money and a lot of power right now. They think of themselves as elite and the little people like us, we have to be controlled and.
We can’t let them vacation anywhere they want or drive the car they want or eat meat, et cetera. We have to control them as it’s for the greater good, blah, blah, blah. Yeah. Are you aware of a documentary called an inconvenient truth? I am. I, I’m absolutely aware. I’ve watched it. I’ve tweeted a lot about it. It’s just packed with disinformation and misinformation. So for the listeners who might not know about it, what, what is the inconvenient truth? What, what’s that about?
It got a lot of Cause to me it’s like the opposite of your – It is. It is the polar opposite of Martin Durkin’s work. It’s a truth versus lies. So it’s Al Gore on there selling the whole idea that CO2 is the climate control knob. And we’re going to see 20 feet of sea level rise. He wanted us to think that pretty quick, we’re going to see 20 feet of sea level rise. And the real number is more like eight or nine inches since maybe 1870.
Ahmad (30:46.062)
Yeah, maybe a foot a century or something. It fluctuates and it does go up and down even in the last couple thousand years. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s all propaganda. It it was, uh, got a lot of views. I think it won prizes and people were really into it. And to me, I think it was one of the major factors in really making the climate crisis narrative more popular than it had been before that. But yeah, it’s, uh, I am not a fan whatsoever of that. So.
Some people like me, I would think, I mean, the movie came out in 2006. I mean, so this climate thing has been going on for quite a long time. I mean, for much of my now adulthood, this whole climate thing has been really much in the forefront and it’s really pervaded deep into the psyche of people. Good people. A lot of good people have now bought this lie hook line and sinker. And you know, the saying, the bigger the lie, the more people are going to swallow it.
That’s called a big lie. It’s a propaganda thing. And everyone is talking about it. The media is talking about it and people just believe in it. And I know good people, good Christians, church going, who tell me, you know what, Ahmed, the problem with this world is there’s too many people and we’re producing carbon dioxide and we’re killing the planet. And I’m like, that’s the most anti -God thing you could say. So what, we need to cull human beings?
It seems to me the only carbon they want to reduce is us. I mean, it’s pretty dark when you think about it. And so anyway, this this movie comes out in 2006 and Al Gore does this documentary. And to me, if you want to talk about fear porn, this is fear porn. Like it’s all. Over dramatic, you know, it’s just complete fear porn and it’s all about the fact that carbon dioxide, everything is pushing it and he goes.
This is where, you know, they’re talking about each one of us is a cause of global warming. So that Gore closes the film by saying this, right? Each one of us is a cause of global warming, but each one of us can make choices to change that with the things we buy, the electricity we use, the cars we drive. We can make choices to bring our individual carbon emissions to zero. Stop breathing. Stop breathing, basically.
Ahmad (33:08.11)
The solutions are in our hands. We just have to have the determination to make it happen. We have everything that we need to reduce carbon emissions, everything but political will. But in America, the will to act is a renewable resource. Yeah, so then they put up calls to action. So basically recycle, speak up in your community, buy hybrid vehicles, and encourage everyone to watch this movie. If that’s his call to action and closing statement.
What would your closing statement be and what would your call to action be? Sorry, I’m putting you under pressure. No, my major call to action right now is for everyone to watch Climate the movie. Everyone should watch that.
You brought up a lot of points there that I love. I mean, Al Gore himself, he’s such a contradiction because he can’t be bothered at all to live like he wants us to live. He wrote a book that right around that era that said we should line dry our clothes and we should use buses for our long haul transportation. So when is the last time that Al Gore line dried his clothes? And when’s the last time he took a 500 mile bus ride? It’s just amazing that he would tell the little people to do this. That’s what he wants. Hey, little people.
Don’t live like me. Yeah. Yeah. It’s amazing that he gets away with this. And there’s this whole idea that we shouldn’t use too much energy in our house, but his house in Nashville, somebody investigated it and he was using, I don’t know what 10 times it was using way more electricity than the average house. I just, everything about it shows that he is not willing to live at all the way he wants us to live. But this is this rank hypocrisy, this, you know, complete, these people are really quite.
I’ll be honest, I’ll just say it as it is. I think these people are all sick. They’re hypocrites. They believe that they should live in a certain way with a certain lifestyle. They should fly their private jets, eat steak, whereas we should walk everywhere, take a bike and take the bus and eat insect burgers. I mean, it’s like, you know, it’s bullshit. And but the problem that I found is even some people have tried to argue with like proper rational people. Like, you know, I’d be like, you know what? Bill Gates, he talks about all this stuff, but he’s flying around his private jet left, right and center.
Ahmad (35:20.686)
or a granted number, and they justify it by, no, no, these people are on an mission and they’re trying to save the planet. And it’s unfair and unrealistic to expect them to take the bus. You know, they’ve got such an important job that they’re the ones that should be flying around. And I’m like, seriously? This is the, and you know what it reminds me of? Cults. So, you know, the climate change now is a cult. You’ve got your cult leaders.
And the problem with cults isn’t as much the cult leaders, but the cult followers. Because they will attack anyone who questions the leadership. And so I’ve got these normal people who are following the cult, and when I start asking questions, they turn on me rather than saying, yeah, that’s a good point you’re making. It’s just another goddamn cult. There’s so many goddamn cults, it’s unbelievable. But yeah.
It just shows the how absurd the whole thing is because I constantly am reading what people are saying. The believers are saying, and almost none of them can be bothered to behave in any way as if they believe in it. So if they really, really truly believed in it, they would behave that way, but they’re not. And then that just shows how stupid the whole thing is. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to ask you something, you know, back to Al Gore, is he the guy that started the credit carbon credit thing? And did he have any company?
creating the carbon credits and carbon credit exchange, because there’s an alternative weird money thing going on where a lot of money is being made and apparently trading carbon and offsetting it. And it’s just another BS scam. So, oh, you’re a polluting company? Well, buy credits and we’ll plant some trees somewhere so you can carry on polluting. But because you bought our credits, it’s all okay. You’re a green company. Am I right?
You are right. Yeah, the whole carbon credit thing is just an obvious, enormous scam. And there was a Chicago climate exchange quite some time ago, where carbon credits were selling for quite a bit at first, then they plummeted down to like a nickel per ton. And the thing just went away. But to this day, it is continuing and some people you have the chance, I think when you fly that you can buy carbon credits, which is like an indulgence for the climate religion. And enormous amounts of money are paying.
Ahmad (37:40.462)
are changing hands with the Carmen credits, but the whole idea that any of this is going to make any measurable change to the weather is is not true. And that that goes for everything that all the climate people are doing. There’s a local councils that have climate people. There’s all sorts of people have climate in their title that they’re supposed to be doing something about the climate. But I’m saying that none of that we can spend trillions of dollars and maybe we already have none of that’s going to have any measurable effect on climate or weather anyway by 2050 or 2100. It’s
It’s all a scam. It’s amazing how large the scam is. Yeah. Well, so I’m just looking up and there’s a Forbes article in 2013, for example, and it’s talking about how Gore and this guy, blood, do you know David blood? Yes. Blood and gore. The carbon credit huckstering partner, David blood. Um, they’ve got this generation investment management thing and they founded it with, um, you know, and, and I don’t know.
between 2008 and 11, the company raised $218 million. And then there, you know, it’s all just BS. I mean, this guy has made so much money. Like you said, the Chicago climate exchange for carbon trading. I mean, it’s just one big massive scam, isn’t it? For sure is a massive scam. There’s some great saying that I can’t quite remember about it. You’re selling an invisible substance.
that nobody cares when a carbon credit changes hands. People aren’t really checking up to see that if you pay people not to cut down trees, did you really not cut them down? And whether they’ve sold the same time carbon credit over and over, there’s it’s just such a scam. And even people on the the alarmist side are realizing that carbon credits are a scam. I’ve seen quite a few people say that people were on the other side of the fence say, of course, it’s a scam. It’s the most obvious scam of all, I think.
And the thing is, the climate agenda to me also, there’s two things that I find really wrong right now in Western society. And it’s that cancel culture based on the fact that you can’t question. You know, what does my cap say? Question everything. You’re not allowed to question anything. Like, yeah, like if you are questioning, it’s within the Overton window. So the acceptable, you know, range of discussion that you can have, you know, should we, should we call?
Ahmad (40:04.91)
a billion people or should we call two billion people? Like, you know, I mean, it’s ridiculous. I mean, that’s kind of like Overton window, not maybe why are we calling human beings like, maybe like, maybe we’re not behind the client climate scam. But then the other thing is the cancel culture is the virtue signaling. So the corporations and the company saying, Oh, look how good we are. We’re green. We’re green company or, you know, Oh, look how good I am. I bought an electric car. I’m eco -friendly, you know,
Virtue signaling affects the public, individuals and corporations, institutions. And to me, it’s the laziest form of doing good. And quite often it’s not doing good at all. It’s just pretending to do good and give the impression that you’re a good person, you’re a good company. And I think the problem is the climate scam, they really milked that one. Cause then you’ve got all these companies saying, oh, look at us, we’re green. And we put a little wind thing outside our office building. We put solar panels on our buildings and we’ve…
You’re carbon neutral. What does that even mean? What does it mean? Do you know what it means? Because I don’t, I fucking don’t know what it means. I mean, it’s supposed to mean that for every bit of CO2 that you emit, somehow you’re sequestering that CO2 or something. So your net effect on the CO2 in the atmosphere is supposed to be zero. That’s what it’s supposed to be. But again, that’s a crock. I did want to mention that.
In the air, there’s maybe 425 ppm parts per million CO2. And as we’re you and I are talking here, we’re emitting 40 ,000 ppm CO2 in our breath 100 times as much as is in the air, we’re emitting it. So again, there’s a meme that you see on Twitter a lot that you mentioned that we are the carbon they want to reduce this whole idea that the breath, a baby’s breath is harming anybody causing bad weather. It’s a course it’s just plant food. It’s great.
One reason why if you talk to plants, they might do a little better is because you’re emitting 40 ,000 PPM CO2 and the plants love it. Am I right that in some of these big greenhouses that should pump CO2 in to make the crops like the yield bigger and make them grow faster and greener? Yeah, they 100 % do that. And again, if the air out here is 425 PPM, the air in the greenhouse might be 1500. Plants grow way better at way more CO2 than is just sitting there in the air.
Ahmad (42:25.262)
So greenhouse people are willing to pay serious money to add more CO2 to the greenhouse to make the stuff grow better. So there’s this whole Overton window thing that you mentioned that a lot of us skeptics might say, oh, well, there’s no climate crisis, but you know, CO2 is a pollutant and less CO2 would be better. But that, we need to move that Overton window because more CO2 is better. So.
It’s not just like it’s CO2 is a little bad. It’s good. So the problem, the problem that I find is not only is this scam lie, like it’s a lie. So I don’t like things that are lies. Um, it’s kind of dangerous. It’s, it’s not a little lie that, you know, doesn’t really affect us. And it’s like, Oh man, that’s just a joke. What an idiot. I mean, cause it’s so ridiculous. You just want to lie, laugh at it.
The problem is it’s so now pervasive, you know, so you’ve got, and it comes into this whole kind of agenda. And the thing is, they’ve, I have to give it to the predator class. They’ve done a great marketing job because they’ve made a lie into what people think is the truth, but they’ve also made this lie that is dangerous for human beings seem like it’s a good thing for human beings. So they talk about sustainability and eco -friendly and saving the planet.
but it’s an inverted world, everything. So what they want to do is they want us not to consume. They don’t want us to heat our rooms and our buildings. They don’t want us to travel. They don’t want us to go on holiday. They don’t want us to eat certain types of food. They want our quality of life to go down. They want less of us. How is any of this good? This is all bad stuff. It’s like, they’ve inverted the truth. And then there’s also control because like you said,
then they’re going to start saying to us, you know, you’re, you know, you’re going to have to restrict your freedoms for the greater good and the greater good being saving the planet. What better thing humanity can do than save the planet. So you know what, stop being a selfish little human being and take these restrictions on your freedoms like a good little person and save the planet. You know, just see how Orwellian it is. I think that’s what I’m concerned about. This little lie isn’t so…
Ahmad (44:50.316)
you know, innocuous, it’s quite dangerous. Yeah, for sure. It’s not just a little white lie at all. And the real world consequences can kill tons of people. And that’s what Tony Heller often says that he’s one of my favorite skeptics. He’s really thought this stuff through, but there’s a lot of politicians who would like to run a place like Minnesota where I’m from. Let’s just run it on wind power and, uh, and solar panels. Let’s just do that. And
If real, if people with more common sense don’t get involved in block this, lots of people will die because at some point our heating is not going to work and the power is going to go out. It has huge real world consequences trying to prevent bad weather by doing stupid things, really stupid things to the electrical grid. So what kind of like how will human beings die? Like that person, Tony Heller? Tony Heller. Yeah. Yeah.
What did he say? Like, what are some of the ways that people might die? Well, I mean, like for in Minnesota, when it’s cold, you need heating and you need your electricity. I mean, people died already in Texas when they had their blackout in 2021. So it’s not like blackouts are just a little fun time when you can just, uh, you know, get together with the kids and light some candles or something. People die if the hospitals can’t, uh, don’t have their power. And if, uh, places, especially who don’t have heat.
That is dangerous considering how cold it gets in some places. So, uh, yeah, we, we have to have, uh, people who understand electricity, understand how the world works. We need a more rational people to make sure that, uh, that we don’t make all of these stupid energy decisions. Yeah. So critical energy is life. Energy is life. Yeah. Yeah. It’s funny. I had this guy and, um, Tim, Tim Leach is, is a prepper.
You know, preppers. I do. So he’s done a podcast with me. I haven’t released it yet. And I’m going to title it something like how to survive the zombie apocalypse. But basically we’re talking about energy. You were saying, first of all, the most important thing is water. You need really good source of water. And then you need energy, energy for heating, energy for cooking, energy is life. And I said, oh, what about solar panels? He meant you would not know how inefficient they are. They are so bad. They are not very good at driving electricity. You know, it’s only a few hours during the day. It’s not.
Ahmad (47:07.22)
sustainable, it’s not good, you should have backups like petrol generator, diesel generators or batteries. And I was like, wow. He was, yeah, people think, oh, get a few solar panels. It’s not going to cut it. And you need a lot of them as well. And I was like, wow. And so, you know, this whole drive to make solar panels, I don’t think people realize they’re not that efficient and they take a lot of energy to make.
a lot of chemicals, a lot of minerals. And where do these minerals and chemicals come from? They come from the ground and they come from these massive open pits. And what’s that doing to the environment? And what about all these batteries that we’re relying on? Where did the chemicals come from for the batteries? And how do we recycle them? I mean, cars, you know, like the cobalt mines in Africa and everything or China and the rare earth minerals, we’re literally opening up the earth and gouging through the land. I mean,
this idea that alternative energy is green and eco -friendly is actually nonsensical. I don’t know why we haven’t done more in terms of looking at nuclear power and stuff like that. What do you think about that? Yeah, I think it’s absolutely critical that we have reliable baseload power. Nuclear power is great for that and hydrocarbons, natural gas, coal are great for that. And almost all this other stuff is just pretending that
People are pretending that they’re running their house using their solar panels, but they’re connected to the main grid. And of course, that’s what’s really keeping things running. And then like Apple will come out and say, our data center is 100 % wind powered. We’ll have to look that up to see if they’re actually saying wind powered. But anybody who’s claiming that any real thing is 100 % wind powered is lying to you. They’re really using something else and they’re pretending that it’s wind powered. They may be buying some credits so that they can tell everybody.
Look, when, when does powering this thing? But anyway, it’s, it’s all pretending. If it’s really wind powered, then on calm days, it has to go down because that would mean it actually is wind powered. So there’s a lot of lying going on here. There’s definitely a lot lying going on. So one of the things I would also say is, so that one of the also dangerous things about this narrative, this climate scam is it drives further lies. So the government and media is telling you, you know, this is happening. And if you buy it,
Ahmad (49:28.526)
If you hook into it, then you’ll also buy and hook into every other lie. Does that make sense? Yes. There’s a deadly pandemic. Okay. The government told me the government that’s telling me to save the planet because of carbon, um, is now telling me it’s a deadly pandemic. Okay. I believe the government and the government says, Oh, you know, there’s a war going on. We need to fight those bad people for, and, and, you know, it’s our duty, your duty to send your sons and, you know, and fight in this war and, you know, sacrifice them.
You’re like, okay, well, they told us about the planet dying and they care about us and they’re good people and the government is good. But the flip side is once you realize the government’s lying and the media is lying to you about this, then you should automatically think, right, if they lied to me about this, what else are they lying about? And the thing about the climate thing is it’s the social engineering that I’m worried about. So I don’t know what’s happening in the States, but certainly across Europe and America and Canada,
And here in the UK, there’s a talk of 15 minute cities. Now, again, there’s so many things that I never used to hear about, you know, five years ago, but now it’s just like common in the language in our vocabulary. mRNA technology or 15 minute cities like Net Zero. Like these were things I’d never ever heard about. Now I hear about them all the time. So just up the road in Oxford, they’ve introduced 15 minute cities.
That’s massive social engineering. I mean, it sounds quite nice, 15 minutes to get to anywhere you want to get to. I like the sound of that. But I don’t like the sound of people saying, well, you can’t really travel more than 15 minutes, or you can only do this a certain times in a year. And if you do more than that, we’re going to charge you for it. Hold on one second. I don’t like that. And if I’m right, 15 minute cities actually originated in the communist countries. They had these apartment blocks. Everything was just…
They just wanted you to be in your little wee ghetto. They don’t want you moving around. Are you worried about the social engineering? And can you think of any other examples? And are they talking about this kind of stuff in the States? I’m not hearing so much in the U S but yeah, I think it’s all social engineering. There’s a podcast called the climate deniers playbook on the other side where they’re.
Ahmad (51:38.988)
Defending 15 minute cities in one of their episodes and they’re saying oh, it’s not about control at all It’s just about making sure that everything you need is within 15 minutes. I mean, it’s always couched in a way that sounds yeah, of course It sounds nice, but I haven’t seen any case where they said, okay We’re gonna have a 15 minute city and we’re not going to restrict your movement But we’re gonna make sure that there’s a bowling alley that you can walk to and we’re gonna put up new hospitals and the playgrounds right by your house and I haven’t heard any mention of actually
putting all these amenities right by everybody. It’s all about just restricting your travel so you can’t go further. It’s, uh, it’s clearly, uh, all about controlling people and not about making your life better. That’s one of those things that sounds good until you spend, uh, spend 30 seconds thinking about it. And then it’s, uh, something that maybe something that you should oppose. Yeah. Not maybe oppose. Oh, dude. Oh man. So what’d you think of all these things like cop 26 and all, you know, all these big.
meetings that they go to. What’s that all about? Yeah, I’ve heard from people who’ve been there that it’s just enormous amounts of grifting that there’s tens of thousands of people that go there. And the whole idea that they’re going there and what they’re really going to do is prevent bad weather in 2050. It’s just so ridiculous, but that’s what’s supposed to, that’s what they’re doing. So cyclones in 2050, if they do their job, the cycle, we’re going to notice that cyclones aren’t as bad, but
Again, there’s no way that anything they do is going to prevent any bad weather. So it’s just completely crazy that it’s happening and I can’t believe it’s still happening. It’s been happening for all these decades, but ordinary people should just scoff at it. We should not take it seriously in any way that it’s going to produce anything that’s good. All right. So let’s between you and me, let’s come up with what are all the things that the climate scam people are pushing? So what, what are their
What are they pushing? So they’ve pushed the argument that we’re killing the planet, too much carbon dioxide. What are they saying that we need to do as a result? And how is that going to impact, you know, people listening to this podcast? So what are the things these predator class are saying we need to do now? There’s a long, long list. I mean, you talked about eating bugs that we shouldn’t eat meat. That’s one thing. And we should get rid of dairy cattle because milk and butter are bad for the planet.
Ahmad (53:54.616)
And we shouldn’t drive, we should get rid of internal combustion engines. So we have to drive electric cars or no cars. We’re supposed to take public transport. We’re supposed to line drive our clothes and we’re supposed to pay carbon taxes like they have, I believe in Canada. What else? Stop drilling for oil and put up enormous amounts of solar facilities everywhere, including in Minnesota where they’re going to be under a foot of snow for the winter.
They want us to put up enormous amounts of wind turbines and the list just goes on and on. They want to control us in the 15 minute cities and just about, um, there’s so many ways that they can monetize this and get more power. So yeah, I’ll just give you an example. So massive solar farms has that good for the environment. What does that do to biodiversity? What does that do to the vegetation and the grasslands and you know, where the animals can forage and feed and the rabbits can go around. If you just got deserts of
solar panel. How’s that good for the environment? I don’t understand that. No, it’s clearly not. And one of the worst things is to take prime farmland. You hear some cases where because of the incentives that they want to cover prime farmland with solar panels, which makes no sense. But, you know, we have to do everything. We have to do all this crazy stuff because otherwise we’re all going to die. Who’s going to kill us? So we have to make all these stupid decisions.
But isn’t cow farts and methane and all that kind of stuff killing the planet? Well, I mean, that brings up another thing. We’re supposed to kill off 20 % of the cows in certain countries because the cow farts are causing bad weather. So we got to get rid of these cows. Where are all the animal activists? Yeah, I don’t know where they are. But the whole idea that a cow fart causes bad weather, it’s just how can anybody take it serious? But politicians, some of them do take it serious. Isn’t it mental? And so some of the other things that you’re talking about,
So, you know, how else do they restrict, yeah, the meat, insects, energy. So I had Alex Williams on from Thinking Slow, Alex Creel, Alex Creel from Thinking Slow. And basically he was talking about how they wanna insert smart technology into our washing machines and our TVs, tumble dryers, dishwashers. And they’ll say, oh, your energy consumption has been too much.
Ahmad (56:15.916)
and you’re killing the planet. So we’re going to have to cap and disconnect things. Apparently they might be even bringing that in. Have you heard of that? Yeah, I’ve heard a lot of stuff like that. There’s a whole thing about in Europe, they’re going to smart technology. Oh, in Europe, they’re going to restrict to the ability of your vacuum, the vacuum stuff up because whatever it’s using too much energy. So they want vacuum cleaners to be less, less effective. And the whole idea, if you have a worse vacuum cleaner, then it’s going to prevent bad weather in the future. That’s how crazy it is.
See, the thing is there’s a saying, if you can convince someone of an absurdity, you can convince them of an atrocity. And I think you can change that too. If you can think, convince someone of an absurdity, you can convince them to carry out absurdities and believe in further absurdities like this, you know, oh, we’re killing the planet and now everything else absurd can be justified.
Does that make sense? It totally makes sense. I mean, there’s a long list that we haven’t mentioned yet, but there’s the list of our don’t have kids. Your kid, you can figure out if you have one more baby, that’s going to cause more bad weather. So don’t do it. Don’t become a parent. There’s some surveys, I think, that said that a certain percentage of young couples decide not to have kids because the CO2 emitted by their kids is going to cause bad weather. Again, totally crazy.
Oh man. So, you know, the other thing that I really get upset about is for example, the UN, I really don’t like the UN. I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand it. I can’t hold these super national organizations. I think they’re all a joke. Have you heard of the, the UN 2030 agenda and sustainable goals? Yes. What the hell is that all about? I mean, what the hell does sustainable mean? I mean, it sounds like a nice word, but I’ve never heard a proper definition of what they mean by sustainable. Does that make sense?
And these sustainable goals, it’s just like, what does that mean? But it’s like all about restricting our quality of life. I think ultimately, I think there’s a UN document that says something about how our goal is to allow you to only purchase three new pieces of clothing per year. There’s some actual like a clothing allowance. Seriously? I believe so. I have to look that up. But I have seen that an official document that says that that’s a goal.
Ahmad (58:29.006)
And they don’t want you flying anywhere. Ideally, if you didn’t fly anywhere to go on vacation, at least the little people don’t get to do that because that’s going to cause bad weather. That’s another goal to make the world a better place is you don’t get to fly anywhere. You got to find some other way or just vacation very within walking distance of your house or something. That’s amazing. Planes for the me and buses for the. Yeah. Steak for me and insect burgers for the.
Isn’t that the way life was or is under communism that a certain percentage of the people get to live the real, the high lifestyle and the little people have to live a very reduced lifestyle. Yeah. Do you not think we’re just going back to the way things have been for like many centuries where you basically had this like elite aristocracy, very privileged few, and it wasn’t a middle class. The rest were all just serfs.
And I feel like we’re just heading back towards that. You know, you’ve got this uber uber rich oligarchy and then the rest of us are just little peasants. Yeah, I think that’s exactly right. I think that’s a great point. That is, I don’t know why humans tend to organize that way, but that is we are heading that way. And we, as the little people have to fight back hard, not let it happen. Right. All right, buddy. Tell me, what was the best thing about moving and making this movie?
I think one for me as a person, it’s been so great getting to know Martin Durkin better because he is an incredibly great filmmaker and he’s an awake guy that I have really enjoyed hearing him talk and I think people are going to really enjoy the message in his movie. He does a great job of laying out both the science and talking about how the elites are, it’s kind of a war on the little people. It’s a war on us, the working people. And yeah, that…
That’s been the best part, I think. And what does that actually mean, being a producer? Like, have you ever done this before? I have not, no, no. You’ve never been a producer before? Nope. How did you learn how to be a producer? What does it actually involve? Like, what do you have to do? Yeah, I, um, there’s a lot of overlap between my podcast and the interviews he did for his movie. So I think it’s like 16 plus of my podcasts.
Ahmad (01:00:49.102)
have been long form presentations and interviews with people who ended up in the movie. So there’s kind of a, my podcast is a, after you’ve watched the movie, you can come back to my podcast and get some more longer form, uh, uh, chats and stuff and find out in great detail what a Will Happer says or Richard Linton says, et cetera. So normally when they say they make a movie, you know, there’s a budget. Yeah. It costs money. How much was, what was the budget?
I don’t have those numbers, but it was privately funded. So, and, and, um, Martin is very, uh, very good at handling small amounts of money. So this whole idea that Exxon is, uh, has, uh, all this money and they’re, uh, they’re funding skeptics. We constantly hear how well funded we are. We are not. Yeah. I don’t know of anything. Well, that’s the funny thing you should talk about Exxon. So the funny thing is Exxon is a continuation of standard oil. Did you know that?
I’d heard that and standard oil is how the Rockefellers made their money. Yeah, it comes back to that. Yeah, it does. So Exxon is actually still owned by the Rockefellers. But I think I think, you know, they’ve got shares in it or something like that. And it was funny that, you know, Jacob was telling me Jacob Nordengard was saying it’s strange that the Rockefellers would be pushing climate change and stopping use fossil fuels. Why would they be shooting themselves in their foot? Like, why would they be pushing this agenda?
It’s because they’ve made their money now and it’s about consolidating that money and the bigger, bigger game of foot, which is in the podcast with Jacob. He talks about that. So yeah, it’s, I don’t believe for a second that Exxon or anybody’s been funding you. But I do think there, like you said, there’s a lot of oil money that’s being used to fight oil now because they’ve got theirs. That’s what you’re saying. I think it.
Norway, I think they have some sovereign fund there where they’ve made enormous amounts of money on oil and then they’re turning it around and they’re trying to paint themselves as anti -oil. But, uh, there’s a lot of that going around. It’s a bit hypocritical. So are you going to produce any more movies now, now that you’ve done one, would you want to do any more? Is there anything more that you think about or this is it? This is you’ve done this now and that’s it. I’ll have to talk to Martin about that, but he might have some more movies that he might be doing after this one. We’ll see. Okay. Yeah.
Ahmad (01:03:08.942)
So what are your take home messages? If people are listening and you know, they’ve been believing the climate change scam and you know, they bought it hook line and sinker. What would you say to them? I think the number one thing is just think for yourself and just don’t swallow anything alarming that anybody tells you. And that kind of is a blanket thing about anything, not even just climate related, but it is so easy to fact check stuff for your yourself. I think there’s a Constantine, Kristen, I can’t remember his name. Oh yeah.
He said it took two hours. He looked into it for two hours and figured out it was a croc. And that was sort of my experience too, that I believed in it back in the day, quite some time ago. I casually believed in it. I never went on marches or anything. But as soon as I started checking into it and checking out any alarming claim, you can look at polar bears or any single alarming claim, you can find out, okay, this one’s a complete croc. So what else are they lying to you about? Check the next one, complete croc. So.
It’s all a lie and it’s very easy if you think for yourself and if you don’t just swallow it that you’re going to find out that none of it’s true. So that’s the number one thing I would say. Second thing of course is to watch climate, the movie when it comes out. Yeah. It’s funny. There’s a program over here in the UK, great British menu. I quite like it where, you these chefs come from different regions of the country, four of them. And then over the course of week, the cook starters mains desserts and everything. And it’s like a competition and.
judging and then whoever wins for that region goes to the bigger, it’s all the against up against all the other regions. And then the winner of that goes to the banquet and cooks for everybody. Right. So it’s a big prize. It’s quite cool. But this year or last year they came out with all the starters had to be sustainable and as a result had to be vegan. And I was like, what? Like that’s just BS. Do you see the politicization like into mainstream culture and TV and everything?
And guess what? Everyone always gets low scores for the starters. Cause obviously it’s vegan, like, you know, cause they’re not used to maybe cooking it and they’re being forced to cook it. Like it has to be vegan. Like, look, I’ve got nothing against people who want to be vegan because of ethical reasons or health reasons. If that’s what they believe in, great. But if it’s like, Oh, because I’m saving the planet and this is the right thing to do, then that’s just stupid. Um, but it’s, I’m just talking about how they’ve permeated the lies into everything, including like,
Ahmad (01:05:33.742)
You talked about polar bears, you know, got David Attenberg talking about how, I think it’s David Attenberg, talking about, you know, how polar bears are dying in it, but they’re not like, it’s not, it’s just BS. No, I mean, there’s way more polar bears around now than there were in the 1960s, way more. I’ve had Susan Crockford on my podcast. She’s a polar bear expert talking about a couple of different times. So yeah, again, that’s another thing. You can just look into the data very quickly for yourself. And if you’re doing so terrible, how come there’s so many more of them now than there were?
And I would just ask everyone listening, just think about this. Think about every day, just watch the TV, read the newspaper. There’ll be some climate BS in there. You watch a TV program, a movie, a documentary. They’ll throw in something about the climate. I’m telling you right now, I see it everywhere now. And it’s quite dangerous. Even that my kids, you know, I asked them, what did the teacher at school? And I go, you know, that’s nonsense. They go, yeah, daddy, we know. It’s everywhere. Um, and I would just say to everyone listening,
Just think about it. If they’re lying about this every single day to your face, especially the media and the newspapers, what else are they lying to you about? I just want people to think about that. Just put that in your head. And honestly, I’ll give you the short answer right now. They’re lying to you about everything. Lying to you about everything.
One thing I wanted to mention is that I did believe in this back in the day. And then Tony Heller, who I have huge respect for, he believed in it. Anthony Watts of What’s Up with That, he believed in it. So lots of people who are really into debunking it started out as believers and then they checked into it and very common experience, check into it and you realize, of course they’re lying. So there, I think there’s a lot of hope that people who believe right now today in it, they’ll take some time, look into it, then they’ll join us on the side of, of reason.
It’s incredibly important that people do that. Like we talked about for so many reasons, it’s so important to dig into it and get some more rationality back into the world. And you can change. Like, you know, just like the way you said, like, you know, it only last June you started intermittent fasting, change your diet and it’s never too late. And look at, look how you’ve like reaped the rewards of that in such a short space of time. So I always say to people, you’re never too young to change. You’re never too old to change. And you know,
Ahmad (01:07:52.814)
Whether it’s your mindset, whether it’s your diet, whether it’s your lifestyle, like start today, just think, you know what? No more excuses. Too many people make excuses. Just, just start. And you know, good for you with, with, with the intermittent fasting, by the way. Um, so yeah, you’re going to say something. Oh, I’m just wondering right now today. I’m wondering what stuff that I totally believe is a complete crock right now, but I’m willing, I’m going to be looking at everything that I believe in.
constantly saying, is this really true? All right. I’ll give an example. This is a good one. What’d think of 9 -11?
Well, I believed in the narrative for a long time and now I don’t, I don’t know what to believe about building seven, for example, but yeah, I don’t know what the truth is, but I do not believe the official narrative. So that’s that. I think that’s a good place to be. Like I don’t claim to have all the answers. Like I, like even nine 11, I don’t know. Like, like I had Richard gauge on my podcast and like, I don’t know. Was it control demolition? Was it.
A nuke, mini tactical nuke, was it Jews directed energy? I have no idea. What I do know is the official narrative stinks. Right? And I’m not buying it. I’m not buying their story. And I think that’s okay. It’s okay to just say, I question what I’m being told by my government and the media, but that doesn’t mean that I have to provide all the answers and know everything. Like for example, you know, what’s happened in Israel.
Something stinks there. You the whole thing, the whole way that everything is happening. I don’t believe the narrative. Ukraine, Russia. I don’t believe the official narrative. I don’t know what the answer is. I don’t know what the truth is, but I’m not going to just blindly accept what I’m being told. I’m like, something stinks here. Even with COVID, like, I don’t know. Was it elite lab? Was it clones? What was going on there? Were there other talks? I have no idea. Do I believe the government?
Ahmad (01:09:55.886)
Do I believe it’s safe and effective? No. Do you know what I mean? These are just a few examples. I, I a hundred percent know what you mean. And I agree with you there. That’s one reason why I’ve enjoyed listening to your podcast so much as you go through all of this stuff in great detail and talk to people who are heavily into it. I think it’s really fascinating as I’m going throughout my day, whatever, riding my bike and doing all my stuff. I’m listening to you and learning more stuff and questioning more. Like, I like the fact that you have all these people on and you don’t claim to have the answers, but you’re.
have the questions, lots of questions. So I had this funny, funny guy on, oh, he’s brilliant. Um, and, um, he, he runs a newspaper called the light. It’s going to come out soon. And we were chatting about what made him write this, uh, publish this freedom newspaper, the light paper. And then suddenly he starts saying, you know, yeah, I think the, what would the air is flat. I don’t think it’s wrong. I was like, wow, I was not expecting that. So I’ve now officially had a flat air there on my podcast. It was quite funny.
It was a very, I was just asking him like, what about satellites and what about planets and what do we, what about the telescopes and the physics? And he seemed to have an answer. And I was, I like, you know, I wasn’t going to say, shut up, you’re crazy person. But it was like, I’m, I respect everybody’s opinion. I’m happy to hear what everybody thinks. Right. Right. Do you know what I mean? Absolutely. I’m happy to have an open mind and just let people say what they want to say. I don’t think I’m there yet, but.
You know, I still believe the world is round. Very interesting. Did you know he was going to say that or no, it was a surprise. No, it was a surprise. It was quite, it was quite funny actually. Good for you. Yeah. I mean, we just have to do it like that. Keep it, keep it, keep it real. Not, I don’t like my guests to be constrained in any way. You know, I never said to you beforehand, you’re not allowed to talk about these red lines. Don’t talk about these topics. You can talk about anything you like.
Anyway, is there anything further you would like to say before we ask the signature question? I think I’m good. I think we’ve covered a lot here. Um, I am good for now. How long is the movie? It is 80 minutes. Oh, that’s all right. Yeah. Yep. There’s going to be a lot of clips, I think online that are, I would guess like 30 seconds or something where, uh, there’s a lot of good, uh, money quotes in there. Uh, a lot of little punchy statements that you’re going to want to see. All right. Okay. Cool. Well, listen, my last question.
Ahmad (01:12:18.382)
You’re on your deathbed, my friend. You’re well into your hundreds because you’re in fasting now. You’re eating all this meat. Tell me what advice would you give to your loved ones, your children, grandchildren before you meet your maker? Yeah, for me, it’s all about think for yourself and don’t just blindly trust what everybody else is telling you. I wish I would have learned that lesson a lot earlier than I did, but it’s so important to just do some at least basic fact checking and what people are telling you. Because so often, of course, as we’ve said,
what they’re saying is a crock. So think for yourself, research for yourself and find answers on your own if you can. Amazing. All right, well listen, thank you so much everyone listening. Please subscribe to my show. I need your support. I can’t do this without you guys. And if you’re enjoying the show, hit the like button, hit the follow button and subscribe. All right, love you loads. Bye -bye folks.
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