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#104 – I Talk To Amy Lansky, Author Of The “Impossible Cure” and “Active Consciousness”
Amy L. Lansky, PhD was a NASA researcher in artificial intelligence when her life was transformed by the miraculous homeopathic cure of her son’s autism. In 2003, she published Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy, now one of the best-selling introductory books on homeopathy worldwide.
Lansky then broadened her investigations to include ancient and modern teachings about consciousness, psychic phenomena, synchronicity, and meditation. Much of this is covered in her second book, Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within, published in 2011.
In this conversation, Amy Lansky shares her personal experience with homeopathy and how it helped her son with autism. She discusses the possible causal factors and the progression of her son’s treatment. The conversation also touches on the topic of vaccine injury and the underreporting of adverse events.
Amy talks about her journey into homeopathy and her involvement in the health freedom movement. The discussion highlights the challenges in the medical profession, including the lack of medical ethics and critical thinking.
Amy also talks about the transformation of Silicon Valley, Stanford University, and the toxic environment in the Bay Area. She also discusses the importance of states’ rights and gun ownership, the concept of reincarnation and higher dimensions, and the significance of synchronicities and signs.
This is a fascinating conversation and I hope you enjoy it.
Website Impossible Cure
Website Active consciousness
Website Amy Lansky
Ahmad (00:01.225)
Amy Lansky, listen, thank you so much for doing this. No, thank you. I cancelled because I wasn’t well. Remember I was really quite poorly and you helped me actually. You gave me some advice and homeopathy and it helped. It really did. I’m not kidding. And so I’m on this little journey. I’ve already spoken to a prominent homeopath here in the UK.
Amy Lansky (00:05.41)
Thank you, Ahmad.
Ahmad (00:27.461)
But you know, when I was trying to discover about homeopathy, I had so many supporters of mine email me saying, you need to get Amy Lansky on.
Ahmad (01:09.113)
But you’ve got a lot in common with another doctor here in the UK. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of her. Her name is Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. You ever heard of her? So she’s a Russian doctor who came to the UK, and she was a neurosurgeon and neurologist, and her son got autism. And she found that the medical profession was letting her down, and she couldn’t figure out how to cure this autism.
And she explored lots of different things and came up with something called the GAPS diet, gut and psychology syndrome.
Amy Lansky (01:42.026)
Yeah. Oh, great, that’s why I heard. I’ve heard of the GAPS diet.
Ahmad (01:44.829)
And yeah, and she was able to reverse her son’s autism. Can you tell me, like you’re a computer scientist by, you know, I think your profession. I mean, what was it like? What happened, you know, when you were, you know, writing this book, when you had to do it, what happened? You had this son, how old was he when you discovered that he had problems?
Amy Lansky (02:07.49)
So that’s the story. My first book, Impossible Cure, includes a chapter about what happened to us, to our family. And so here I was, Silicon Valley, both my husband and I have PhDs in computer science. It’s, you know, we were there during the generation of Silicon Valley that was, it was so much fun. It’s so different now and we’ve left, but it was.
Like the I was start I came there in the 70s. I was it was this was the 80s and then my second son was born in 91. And so I already had an older son so I knew what normal development was like, right. And we were completely allopathic. And So, you know, he was I could tell he was just not developing the same. So when he was around
at the end of nursery school, like coming out like two and a half, something like that, he got kicked out of the nursery school. He was just he was, you know, there’s many different type profiles of autism. And this is like, 9090. Maybe he was 94. At that point. And he
He was like the space cadet profile. He was just like wander around. He didn’t interact with any of the children. He was just drifting off and living in his own world. And I can tell you what I think was the causal thing in his case, this was early in the autism epidemic, you know? And so there wasn’t all this information, there was nothing. And so I started searching around.
Ahmad (03:51.919)
Amy Lansky (03:59.034)
And I found there was this thing, the fine gold diet, which was more for ADD and stuff like that. And one of the big problem foods was milk. And he was kind of addicted to milk. He would just, he would probably drink eight bottles of milk a day. The milk bottle was his lovey and he was always wanting it.
Ahmad (04:17.542)
Oh wow.
Ahmad (04:24.448)
Amy Lansky (04:25.366)
So we eliminated milk. And that was when he finally kind of became more present. But he started having more typical autism symptoms than echolalia where we would say something and he would just like, you want to have this or this? And he would just repeat the last thing we said, you know? But, and he, so when he was about three, we started speech and language therapy.
Ahmad (04:47.13)
Amy Lansky (04:55.042)
This was in Palo Alto. And, you know, he was just, he was, he couldn’t follow even like, she would say, you know, pick up the red ball and do this. He couldn’t follow two instructions. He could only do one, you know? He was, he was just not like there, okay? So at about three and a half, that’s when we started. I was actually, you know, I believe in God. I believe in faith. And,
Ahmad (05:13.676)
Amy Lansky (05:24.83)
I was at the time there’s this magazine in called the Mothering Magazine. It’s since then become more conventional but at the time it was very alternative. And they had this short article by Judith Reichenberg-Alman who’s a well-known homeopath in the United States. I mean, now I know her. I mean, I know a lot of homeopaths now. And it was about ADD actually. And she claimed that she could cure like cases in like.
75% of the case of her cases of ADD. It was like a three page article. And I don’t know what it was. I was lying in bed. I said, this is it. This is it. I said, Steve, read this. It was like, ding in my head. So then I had a friend who was an acupuncturist. So she said, this guy just moved to Palo Alto. He actually went to school in the UK, a Canadian homeopath. And…
So the following week we went to him. We were one of his first patients. And you know, he took the case, you know, homeopathy is an individualized form of practice. And we started the remedy. Somehow we just had total confidence in this. And the type of dosing we did was instead of dry pills was this liquid form of dosing where we were giving him a daily dose. And within…
like just a few days, he was just more present, just more, something was changed. About a week later, he went to his therapist. We did not tell her. He said, what did you do? Suddenly he could follow two instructions. So this just progressed very slowly. He started, he just
Ahmad (07:05.257)
Amy Lansky (07:20.522)
was slowly entering a world starting to speak, you know, starting to answer. But he, at this point, he was like, getting to be like three and a half, four. He was very behind. I mean, socially, he was, he had not gone through normal development, right? So we put him in a Montessori school and they, you know, they don’t expect you to…
Ahmad (07:35.484)
Amy Lansky (07:47.602)
interact you do these individualized things this particular school was very strict and as he changed as he got better then he started like acting out and being you know trying to awkwardly play with the other kids and then they this old lady was running the school and she said I really liked him before it was so quiet will you so then we switched schools by the time he was five no by the time he was about four and a half the speech and language therapist said
I don’t need to do anything, he’s getting better. By the time he was five, she retested. Yeah, by the time he was five, he was retested because he had qualified for special education benefits in California, you know, when she first started working with him. He was testing like at age level at five. Now, interestingly, at five, there’s all these…
Ahmad (08:20.282)
This is incredible.
Amy Lansky (08:47.138)
vaccines that are given in the United States. And at that point, somebody had told me, alerted me to vaccination issues. And so I didn’t let them give them any of the standard ones, but to go to like kindergarten, they wanted to have a TB test, which is an injection in California. And they actually missed, I don’t know what they did. They gave him two of these shots. And at that point he was in a summer camp.
Ahmad (09:05.09)
Mmm. Yeah.
Ahmad (09:13.457)
Amy Lansky (09:16.93)
He wasn’t totally normal at this point, but he was like able to go to a normal, regular school and stuff. And he regressed. And so then we kind of, we had, at that point, there’s a whole methodology with this type of dosing. He had been off of it, but we put him back on it and he, he came out of it. Like he was at this camp and the counselor said, I don’t know what happened to him. He he’s totally different.
So it’s really a process of years, like a lot of autistic kids, if they recover, they move from autism into sort of learning disability situation. When he was like, in second grade, like they said, you know, he’s so smart, but when we give him instructions, he often does the wrong thing. You know, audio.
Ahmad (09:56.229)
Amy Lansky (10:12.77)
processing. So they said maybe his audio processing, his ears, his hearing was fine. But and then we just kept, we switched remedies. He kept going, you know, regularly to the home you passed by the time he was in fourth grade. All that was gone. And and then what he what really transformed him completely because he was still like kind of missing out on social cues a little bit like, you know, but
When he went through puberty, complete blossoming. He went from like a B student to like an A student, became very popular in high school. So this is actually a really common trajectory, but sadly, you know, this was, he was born in 91. The kids now are so much worse affected because there’s so much else going on, you know? Way like, you know.
Ahmad (11:07.865)
Can we go back to 91? Like, did he have the MMR, or was it any particular vaccine, do you think, that kicked it off, or do you not think it was a vaccine at all? What do you think it was that started it all?
Amy Lansky (11:19.205)
I’m through.
Amy Lansky (11:24.35)
You see my belief and I look through videos of him, you know, baby videos and stuff. I think it personally, I think it was the MMR vaccine and I’ll tell you why. First of all, I was about that appointment then I noticed him like not interacting. Like we would talk to him and he would just not, it was like he didn’t acknowledge us talking to him or he would just repeat.
something. But.
homeopaths have noticed certain patterns of I don’t know, I’m sure other autism practitioners do, too, of types of patterns and the MMR injuries are more of this base cadet like thing. A DPT injury is more like these kids who are have screaming and they get neurological, you know, get
Amy Lansky (12:26.338)
It’s a very different kind of profile. Also, MMR vaccine injuries are slower. They often are affected by milk, whereas the DPT injuries are more from gluten, from wheat. And so it’s just interesting. I don’t know if other practitioners have observed these patterns. But I will say this, unbeknownst to me,
1991 was the year they started giving you hepatitis B vaccine at birth. And, and I, he was actually a VBAC, a vaginal birth after cesarean. So it was in the hospital and they took him. I didn’t know they gave him anything, but I didn’t find out until he went to college, to university.
They want him to get a hepatitis B. Well, we refuse all these vaccines, but they said, oh, we’ll do a titer on hepatitis B. And he said, they said, you’ve had it, the vaccine. Hepatitis, not as far as we knew, they must have given it to him, like his first day in the hospital. That’s what they were doing. That’s what they do now.
Ahmad (13:41.945)
Wow. They do that now and talk about informed consent. Talk about informed consent. You didn’t even know about this. This is unbelievable.
Amy Lansky (13:46.679)
Some people.
Amy Lansky (13:54.594)
This is Stanford Hospital, Stanford University Hospital. I went to Stanford.
Ahmad (13:59.781)
So tell me, how did it change from you getting your son treated and this amazing result where, you know, his autism, this thing that we are told is incurable, you have it lifelong, it’s just bad luck, bad roll of the die, you know. How did it get to a point where, you know, you got your son treated with this to the point where, you know, you ended up writing a book and taking such an interest in homeopathy?
Amy Lansky (14:25.522)
Yeah, obviously, you know, I have a PhD, I’m a researcher and stuff. And this event transformed me and my husband’s perception of reality. There’s interesting little stories in my book. And about three, four months in, when he was like clearly like coming out of this, we did a little experiment because we saw a pattern.
of the dosage because we would change the potency every month. And I would see this pattern and I said, let’s do an experiment. So I was like, my husband changed the potency at a time. I didn’t know when. And then I would make observations every day. And then based on when I saw this pattern emerge, I said, you changed it on this day. And I was right.
Ahmad (15:21.614)
Amy Lansky (15:23.007)
That convinced us that this wasn’t just a fluke, or it was really the remedy, right? And so we just started using it ourself, and I started studying it. At the time I was still working, I was a researcher at NASA at the time. And I just, you know, it’s…
homeopathy is a fascinating study. It’s very analytical, but also very, there’s an art and, and an analysis component to it. So when you get hooked, I was super hooked. And so I was just studying, and at some point, I wrote an article that got published in a home, online homeopathy journal doesn’t even exist anymore about.
about my son, about the remedy we used and everything that fit his case. And over the years, probably because of my book and my writing, it has emerged as one of the leading remedies for autism. But not the only one. It’s really an individualized treatment. But and then I just, it was, oh, I, I just realized I know what happened. I can’t even remember it was so long ago.
My lab at NASA was going through a huge political upheaval and I decided to leave. And I was an outside consultant. And then at the same time, one of the guys in my lab did a startup. And the head of my lab said, Amy, you should invest in this startup. I was probably the smallest investor.
So I’m sitting there working in my outside office.
Amy Lansky (17:21.154)
where I was a consultant and I get a call, we got bought. And suddenly I could afford to stop working. My husband was still working. So I just said, okay, I’m gonna write this book now. I’m dedicating myself to this. So I started writing this book and it just all snowballed. All these things happened all simultaneously. I became involved in the health freedom movement in California, which at the time was about
Ahmad (17:36.891)
Amy Lansky (17:50.026)
legalizing the practice of alternative medicine, practitioners without a license. It was, you know, illegal. And so I testified before a California Senate hearing about what happened to my son. Then I finished the book. It just went mega. It went mega. It just instantly got, I can’t, it’s still, you know, and it’s, so that propelled us the book.
Ahmad (17:55.281)
Amy Lansky (18:18.262)
propelled us into a whole other world. I became a board member of the National Center for Homeopathy and then other things started to happen to us which got us involved in the whole vaccine thing. I don’t know if you read about all of it. You wanna hear that story? It’s kind of mind blowing.
Ahmad (18:34.145)
Ahmad (18:42.768)
Let’s do it. Let’s do it, tell me.
Amy Lansky (18:45.986)
So it’s like, oh, by the way, I want to thank, over the years now, I know Dr. Mercola, I know all these people in the health movement. It was really Dr. Mercola gave this huge push to my book. He did a review of it and it online, not this kind of interview, a written interview. And that’s what, but so.
Amy Lansky (19:15.174)
Okay, so the book comes out and you start getting letters from a prison. You always get it says this is sent from a prison, you know, and I was like throwing it away. Well, like what the hell? Finally, I start opening it up and it’s like this guy had been accused of killing his infant son and had a very poor guy in Florida and had been sentenced to life in prison.
And his wife was like working everything she could to his defense. He had become, I learned later, like a cause celeb, you know, there were many alternative practitioners trying to get him out. And he said, I heard that you guys were computer people. Maybe you can help me figure out if my son got what’s called a hot lot, a bad lot of vaccines that he felt it was a vaccine injury. And this is actually not unusual. Like kids.
injured often with DPT, which can cause, you know, sudden infant death too, right? They get accused of shaken baby syndrome. And so…
Ahmad (20:24.973)
Yeah. It was a big thing in the 90s and 2000. I remember it was kicking off and no one had a reason for sudden infant death syndrome, SIDS, or whatever they want to call it. Such a weird diagnosis. Why do kids just suddenly die? Right? It’s just such a weird thing.
Amy Lansky (20:43.186)
Now they have sudden adult death syndrome.
Ahmad (20:46.785)
Right? So we’ve gone from sudden infant death syndrome to sudden adult death syndrome. Hmm. Interesting. Anyway, carry on.
Amy Lansky (20:57.522)
I wonder what happened. Anyway, so my husband at the time, the VAERS, you know, everybody knows what VAERS is now, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. At the time, it was just some unusable set of downloadable files. And my husband being the incredible, well-known computer whiz that he was, he is, he downloaded these files, they’re public access.
Ahmad (21:14.811)
Amy Lansky (21:25.834)
And he put there and there were configured in such a way that no normal human being could do it, that you had to combine files from two sources, blah, blah. And he created and he figured out, yes, this kid had received a hot lot. They had a lot of injuries. Now, in the end, that isn’t one of got him out. I mean, the lawyers use that information. He got out for other reasons. He got out of prison. But.
Ahmad (21:50.865)
That’s good.
Amy Lansky (21:54.962)
that started this other ball rolling. So at the time…
Ahmad (21:57.977)
Before you go, before you before you start talking about the other ball rolling, do you know that there are recognized bad batches now with the COVID mRNA jabs? So we’ve, I did a chat, a podcast with someone from Denmark, and it’s clear there are seriously bad batches and you can look them up and they’re associated with a lot more adverse effects. And I’ve spoken to someone called Headley Reese and Josh Goetz from Israel, and they look at pharmaceutical, you know,
manufacturing and the flow and the, you know, how they produce these drugs and the, the vaccines now aren’t even the vaccines that they did during the experiment, but also the quality control is so poor. Yeah, there’s, but the quality control of the mass vaccine production, I mean, there’s DNA plasmus, there’s toxins, there’s all this garbage in there. And so I really think when it comes to these vaccines, after the 1986 act of indemnifying
Amy Lansky (22:39.65)
during the study.
Ahmad (22:56.421)
the vaccine manufacturers, they weren’t too fast about the quality control, about how much or how clean these products were. I’m sure there were batches that had more toxins in them. I mean, to be honest, even a good vaccine is full of toxins. I’ve now discovered, you know, all these adjuvants and aluminium, mercury and formaldehyde and detergent and, you know, all these good things that you really want in your body, not. So yeah, I think not just are these vaccines full of toxins.
toxic stuff, but the production is so poorly regulated and controlled. You have these really bad batches with clearly something wrong with them, which is probably accounting for these spikes or problems in kids. Anyway, you’re saying.
Amy Lansky (23:42.57)
Yeah, you know, I do want to get back to that because my husband has is somewhat skeptical about that in some ways about I mean, I think I and he agrees and that there’s I mean, just the refrigeration alone could lead to problems. How are they going to keep these things something? But yes, I believe that there’s bad manufacturing.
Ahmad (23:49.222)
Amy Lansky (24:11.646)
Yes, for sure, crap vaccine. So at that point, this is about 2003, 2004, he created the first online search engine for the various data that the CDC hadn’t done it yet. So three years later, the CDC made theirs and it’s been sort of, he’s done something, they do something, they totally know who he is. And
Ahmad (24:28.421)
Amy Lansky (24:40.706)
But all these years, so he’s been, basically he’s not a doctor. He’s the guy who makes the data available. And it’s all the data. Initially, the CDC’s website didn’t even, I don’t even know if it does now, didn’t even make complete data available with the whole case. But his was the only one. So the CDC researchers would use his website. Like we have friends.
who work for the National Vaccine Information Center who are out there at the CDC meetings and their slides come off of my husband’s website, not their own. So he’s been doing this for 20 years and so we’ve been in this game. So in a way COVID was just like, wow. This is what’s surprising is nobody really cares. So he’s been doing this and suddenly
Ahmad (25:16.366)
Amy Lansky (25:37.454)
COVID comes before they were releasing data once a month. And he had website hits of maybe 40,000 a day. Then they start releasing it once a week, 500,000 a day. And he was doing this all on his own completely. And so he doesn’t seek any fame or recognition. He just is the guy who…
Ahmad (25:53.155)
Amy Lansky (26:06.754)
I just, I’m a computer guy, here’s the stuff. So, so like all the like organizations like CHD and they see eventually he became affiliated with the NVIC through me because they knew who I was. And and so you know, they if you go to the National Vaccine Information Center,
Ahmad (26:31.201)
Ahmad (26:35.077)
Amy Lansky (26:35.89)
It is hard to use. But he has information in there that’s not in the wonder, wonders the CDC site. This is very interesting, Ahmad. They release, now they’ve gone back just as of two weeks ago to monthly instead of weekly. So I guess they’ve slowed it down. But they release new data. When they release data, they release the whole database going back.
since the beginning and they can change any record, right?
Where is the old data? All these years, nerdy boy that my husband is, he’s been saving every release of the VAERS data going back for 20 years. And so now researchers, so researchers and there’s, you’ve probably gotten to meet some of them are using this historical data, which is only available on his site, which is medalerts.org.
Ahmad (27:24.197)
Go nerdy boys.
Amy Lansky (27:41.614)
to see, well, what did the CDC know, like, you know, in 21? What did they know? You can’t find that now because they may, you know, things have changed. So, so anyway, that’s, so that propelled us into a whole nother sphere of being known in the health freedom movement, the wider health freedom movement in the United States. And,
But he doesn’t like to be interviewed or anything. It’s really important that he just make this data available to everybody so they can do the research. But we know everybody.
Ahmad (28:21.959)
I’m gonna link this to my website so that people can look it up. I’ve got it now. MedAlerts.org. Wow.
Amy Lansky (28:28.958)
Yeah, so on the question of whether some lots are bad, the danger in that kind of thinking is the inference that some lots are fine.
Ahmad (28:39.278)
Amy Lansky (28:42.814)
And from his perspective, I think one thing that’s about the various data is that it’s, you know, it’s kind of dirty data, you know, it can only be used for trends. But.
Ahmad (28:43.001)
Amy Lansky (28:59.614)
there is a lot and especially with this COVID vaccine, people are just writing the number of the lot number in by hand and stuff, you know, so there were a lot of entries of lot numbers that were wrong. And at some point,
Ahmad (29:13.265)
But it’s-
But it’s not just that, Amy. So here in the UK, we’ve got a yellow card reporting system and for the MHRA, and I can tell you right now, it’s woefully under-reported. One, you’ve got people who don’t click two and two together. Like, you know, I had someone recently say, I’ve got shingles in my eye, and I was like, oh my God, that’s really rare. You’re immunosuppressed, you’re immunocompromised. Because when I was going for med school, you know, you were taught this is a very, you know, serious condition.
Amy Lansky (29:27.341)
Ahmad (29:45.641)
look for cancers and stuff like that. And he goes, no, I’m fit and healthy. I was like, okay, do you mind if I ask you if you had a recent COVID jab? Like, yeah, four weeks ago I had a booster, why? I went, when did the shingles in your eye start? He goes, three weeks ago. And I went, you don’t think they might be related? And he was like, why’d you think that? And many people are like that, you know? I’ve got an uncle who had a…
Amy Lansky (30:13.506)
Ahmad (30:14.529)
Yeah, I had an uncle who had a heart attack and, you know, he was told every year he’s got a clean bill of health. He goes for these health checkups and his heart’s just fine. And he’s got this massive heart attack, needs surgery, stents, whatnot. And I said to him, did you have a booster anytime around the heart attack? And he goes, yeah, a few weeks beforehand. I went, do you think it could have been that? And this guy’s smart. He’s got a PhD, he’s a scientist, and he goes, why do you think that? And I’m like, what the hell?
And so what I’m trying to say is that, I know.
Amy Lansky (30:44.554)
It’s so obvious. I had a neighbor in California who like healthy, my age, much more athletic than me, healthy. I get them after we left, I get an email from my other neighbor saying, suddenly she got cancer and two strokes and now she’s dead in a month. Nobody even thinks about it.
Ahmad (31:08.217)
Nobody’s even, yeah, so this is what I mean. So these systems, the VAERS and the yellow card, they rely on, number one, the patient clicking that this has got something to do with the vaccine. And if they don’t click, then it’s severely underreported. Next, you need the doctor to accept that, yes, this is something to do with the vaccine, and I will do a yellow card reporting. Yeah, so.
Amy Lansky (31:32.549)
Oh, really?
Ahmad (31:35.649)
And so many of the doctors here in the UK are simply gas lighting, Amy. They’re just, you know, I’ve just done a substack. Like I was saying this afternoon, I was rushing through it. My daughter was like, daddy, you’re spending too much time on your computer these days, you know, and I felt really bad, you know, she’s six and I love her. And it killed me when I heard her say that, but I was like, I need to get a substack out and I made an error and I copy pasted it twice and then I had to fix it. It was all a disaster. But anyway, the, the substack was on about how do healers become killers.
Amy Lansky (31:50.35)
I’m sorry.
Ahmad (32:05.549)
And what’s interesting is the Lancet paper, you must have heard of the Lancet, they recently have written a paper about how we need to look into the Second World War and how did the Nazi doctors do their crimes so we can learn from them and make sure these mistakes aren’t made again. And it talks about how we need to make sure, yeah, we can’t make these mistakes.
Amy Lansky (32:10.594)
Amy Lansky (32:21.934)
The Lord who wrote this-
Amy Lansky (32:27.109)
Yeah, they become so culpable.
Ahmad (32:30.381)
Yeah, but Amy, you know what’s incredible? In this article, there was no mention of COVID. There was no mention of mandates, the COVID jabs, nothing. It was just Second World War. And now, to prevent it from happening again, we need to tackle institutional racism, anti-Semitism, and make sure we deal with abusive doctors. And I was like, seriously? And this is the problem that we’ve got right now, where the medical profession…
Amy Lansky (32:31.49)
Ahmad (32:58.841)
has basically just turned its back on medical ethics, common sense. And you know, I really have struggled in the last few weeks, you know, and months. I kind of think, am I just mad? Like, here I am with just like, literally, you could count them on one hand, doctors that are publicly speaking out against what’s going on here in the UK. Are all these thousands, tens of thousands of doctors all wrong and we’re right? Or is it more likely?
They’re actually right. And I’ve just lost the plot. I’ve gone down some conspiracy theory rabbit hole, and I’ve just become a nut job. Either way, it’s kind of scary, but I have to, I have to, when I, you know, when I listen to you and you’re telling your story about this person, you knew, I have to accept, no, I’m right. This stuff isn’t right. The medical ethics was trashed. There was no informed consent. There was coercion. There was psychological warfare on the population. There was punishment.
There were mandates, there was no bodily autonomy. This is all bloody wrong. I’m not wrong. So then that’s terrible because it’s… So my profession is wrong.
Amy Lansky (34:02.07)
You’re not wrong, Mel.
The only explanation that made sense to me is what Matthias Desmond wrote. You know, you know who he is, right? Matthias Desmond about mass formation and the people who fall into the mass formation are more likely the educated.
Ahmad (34:14.681)
Yeah. Yep.
Amy Lansky (34:28.054)
the more intelligent and educated. And I gotta say, this is why, I mean, there were many reasons why we left California, which is, this is a whole nother story. But the Bay Area, where I lived for 45 years, is I think epicenter of the mass formation. And that Stanford is like the holy church of what’s gone down. That it’s the first county.
Ahmad (34:48.378)
Oh wow.
Amy Lansky (34:56.75)
in the United States to go into lockdown and the transformation of the school I used to be proud of into I think the Bastion of True Evil is horrifying. You know you’re I assume you know it’s a substack of that Midwest the Miss Midwestern Doctor substack. Do you read him? Oh god, oh god, I’m a
Ahmad (35:20.985)
No, no, I’ll look it up.
Amy Lansky (35:24.894)
I mean, because he’s been writing writing. Unfortunately, he’s anonymous to try to. But it’s called A Midwestern Doctor. And he’s been writing probably for two years now. And he’s exactly talking about what happened to the whole medical community with COVID. Yeah, yeah. He is.
Ahmad (35:46.865)
I found it by the way. I found it. Okay. I’ll look it up.
Amy Lansky (35:51.846)
Amazing and he writes very long, very long articles on many subjects now, but he’s dedicated basically his life to this information. But.
Ahmad (36:04.965)
So can I ask you something? What do you think is driving, I mean, you said Stanford, I mean, like, what do you think of this? I said the problem with the medical profession is that we’ve created a profession that starts with selection process that favors memory retention over critical thinking. We value conformity and obedience to authority over free thinking. We value superficial diversity over diversity of thought. It’s influenced heavily by big pharma. And then,
when you laid in these young students with debt, there’s a physician economic insecurity and then there’s incentives for economic advancement. So basically you’ve got golden handcuffs, you’ve got debt, loss of medical license is always hanging there as a threat and you got to keep up with the Jonesies, you know, you’re a doctor and then you’re susceptible to this group think hive mind. Do you think that’s reasonable?
Amy Lansky (37:00.118)
Definitely, but it’s not just medicine. It’s all of sort of the scientific community at some level.
Ahmad (37:07.266)
But the working class people will say, Amy, that you guys are the smart ones. You’re the, like, how come you scientists can’t see this and we plumbers and cleaners could smell this from a mile away, that this was BS?
Amy Lansky (37:24.362)
You know, I think I wrote a series of articles on my blog about why we left Silicon Valley. I’m finally getting back to writing because the past two years we’ve been in this mode of figuring out where to move to and then moving. And you know, I’m in my late sixties, my husband’s 71. So this was not a…
easy process for us and we drove the United States for a year.
We drove 20,000 miles deciding where to move, because this was not, we made a commitment and we could afford to do it. I am expert, America’s motels and hotels, but to really pick the right place and to remake our lives. Oh, we live in Greenville, South Carolina. If you had told me I was gonna move into the American South,
Ahmad (38:01.99)
Ahmad (38:18.065)
Do you mind if I ask where?
Amy Lansky (38:29.438)
I would have had to look up South Carolina on a map. It was like somewhere down there, you know. I was like a Yankee. I’m from Buffalo, New York. I moved to California to go to grad school, never left. So, you know, the whole Northeast and the West Coast is a such, look, it’s like the Civil War never ended. They look so down on the South. I’ve had friends from California say, Amy, have you met an intelligent person there?
I said my space is full of doctors and lawyers. I mean, they’re not stupid, you know, but I’ll tell you this, nobody cares at all if you’re vaccinated or not. So it’s so amazing. I’m getting back to why your question, your question why.
Ahmad (39:11.365)
This is, so I think that’s, it’s the problem.
Ahmad (39:19.814)
Amy Lansky (39:21.926)
And I think, you know, this is going to sound weird, is that there is no spiritual compass left.
in academics.
Ahmad (39:34.053)
Amy Lansky (39:34.678)
that in the end, the whole Bay Area is about, I mean, there might be religious people, but by and large, everybody’s an atheist and become quickly becoming, it is the center. Watch out for transhumanism, the merger of humans and computers. And the truth is, I saw this even when I was in grad school, but I thought it was ridiculous. Now it’s reality. I wanna tell you a little story.
I was driving, I’m a swimmer. I was driving back from swimming, listening to Stanford radio pre-COVID. And maybe it was not pre-COVID. But anyway, and there’s an interview of, this Stanford professor on CRISPR, you know, gene editing. And they said,
Amy Lansky (40:28.834)
They said, is it possible to grow a tail on a human? And they said, yeah, very soon we’ll be able to do that, grow a tail on a human. And the interviewer said, is this ethical? And they said, yeah, if somebody wants a tail, why not? I was like at an intersection, I almost like had to throw up in my car. I was right at the corner of where Stanford was. And I said, this is…
This is just evil. Does this guy even think? He says, oh, but it’s all for health. It’s only a short hop from tales on humans to bioengineered soldiers. And who knows what else, right? It’s like right out of science fiction. And this is what Sanford’s all about. So I wrote a series of articles. The first one was called Looking for America about our first major trip.
and what we discovered about America. And it was, it’s very eyeopening. Two, it’s called what happened to Silicon Valley in the 45 years I lived there, from when I arrived in 77 to when we left in 22. And.
22, yeah. So, and this was part of it, this horrifying move towards, I think, true evil, true evil. So Stanford, when I got there, computer science, there was no undergrad major. Now it’s the biggest major. The second biggest major, biotech. The whole university is focused on essentially,
hacking humans to become, I don’t know what, the person who bought our house, which he was our only buyer, is coming to be a professor at Stanford in AI for genetic engineering.
Amy Lansky (42:31.778)
So this is the future. And we just, it was slowly, it dawned on us, we gotta get out of this place. Everybody is, it’s the one of the most vaccinated areas. All of our friends, although they kind of thought we were wacky, homeopathy, they knew Steve was working on the various data. When it came to COVID, they just.
Ahmad (42:53.105)
Amy Lansky (42:59.318)
I mean, they wouldn’t have anything. They certainly wouldn’t be with us, right? Because we weren’t vaccinated and.
Amy Lansky (43:10.558)
We didn’t have any friends anymore. So we had to get out. And we had to be the party house of Silicon Valley.
Ahmad (43:15.31)
Join the club. But you make new friends.
Wow. But you make a new family. That’s what I’ve discovered. You make a new family everywhere. I’ve lost so many friends and part of it is that they don’t wanna have anything to do with me, but part of it is also I’ve just lost so much respect for people who I just feel through medical ethics at the window and lost all critical thinking. And you know, one of the things you touched upon was, you know, how these colleagues in Californians looked down on the SAV.
Amy Lansky (43:23.522)
Amy Lansky (43:42.35)
Ahmad (43:50.089)
I see a lot of that, and it’s not just in medicine. I see a lot of liberal lefty professionals, RT media, medical, who are intellectually really arrogant. And while they might have majors in English literature and whatever, and PPE and computer science or whatever, might be doctors, they’re actually not that intelligent. They’re not wise. They don’t really have critical thinking.
Amy Lansky (44:17.386)
Not wise, that’s it. No wisdom.
Ahmad (44:19.269)
They’re not wise. No wisdom, no wisdom. And I think true strength of character and wisdom comes with humility. You learn how little you know and you stay open to everything. So I’ll give you an example. The reason why I’m chatting to you is I’m really open to homeopathy. Part of my brain is screaming that this is just woo jumbo nonsense. Part of me is thinking, but so many people
Amy Lansky (44:22.826)
No, we’re f-
Ahmad (44:47.381)
speak up for and advocate it and testify like amazing results, patients, doctors, you name it. And it’s stood the test of time. Also, I’ve noticed that a lot of medicine is actually starts off with an observation. You observe something happening and that’s how you decide to do something. We don’t actually understand most things in medicine and when we do, it can be decades later that we discover what is actually happening.
So maybe that’s where the homeopathy journey is, where we are observing that homeopathy works. We know, like you said, the different formulations and whatnot, but no one really understands how it works. There might be theories behind it. And I think humility is about saying, you know what, I’m gonna keep an open mind. I might not understand, but I’m not gonna put down something that I don’t know. I’m not gonna be scared of something I don’t know. But I find that the very intelligent people, you know, this…
social strata, they’ve got problems and it’s this arrogance that they’ve got. They need to temper it, I think.
Amy Lansky (45:52.874)
Well, you know, I mean, if you read Impossible Cure, I mean, that’s why I wrote this book. It’s not a how-to book. It doesn’t talk about take this for that. It’s basically what the philosophy has a whole chapter on studies. And there’s so many more now that book came out in 2003 and the science of it, the science of it and, and the history. And it’s many of us skeptic.
has read this book and come out the other side, because it’s actually a more scientific form of medicine than allopathic medicine. And that term allopathy was actually invented by Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. So I could talk about homeopathy itself and explain it, but it’s the philosophy of cure and disease is very different than allopathic medicine, which is mostly suppressive.
And so except maybe surgery, right? What you did. So, but I gotta say that our experience with COVID, even though we were, you know, as home people, somebody in the homeopathic community, the vaccine community, we were sort of primed for what happened. It was not a surprise. It was just horrifyingly worse. So, but.
our experience in America just opened, it’s just opened our minds to anything, to any beliefs like politics, what’s true, what’s not true, maybe all this stuff they, all these things people said about Trump were not true. I don’t know. Steve often, you know, we’re like in a world now of a lot of,
We call ourselves refugees. A lot of Americans have left the West and the Northeast and have moved to the South. A lot. There’s a book coming out by somebody I also know now, Roger Simon called American Refugees. And yes, there’s people who have gone into the alternative mass formation. That’s like maybe two extreme forms of conspiracy theory. I don’t know. And when we talk to our friends,
Amy Lansky (48:15.402)
I listen to everybody and Steve always goes, maybe. How do you know it’s true anymore? It’s hard to know. Maybe, I don’t know. But yeah, it’s opened my mind. Opened my mind and if you read my book, your mind will open too. It’s hard for doctors. It’s hard for doctors to learn.
Ahmad (48:19.834)
Ahmad (48:31.493)
Well, you know, it is, and I’ll be honest with you, what you’ve just said is quite comforting because I’m at that stage where I question everything. I just think, can I trust anything anymore? Like if they lied about this, what else have they lied about in the past and now and in the future? Because anything’s game now, anything’s possible. You know, before we dive back into homeopathy because
I want it to be a bit of a journey for people who might not know about homeopathy. And there’s a lot of listeners who might not know. And I just want to touch upon certain topics and just, I’m going to play dumb because that’s not difficult for me to do. So, and please entertain me. But you know, you said you learned a lot about America. I really, I really, if you don’t mind me, if you’re asking, you know, just a quick brief account, what did you learn about America in the last year before you decided to move to South Carolina?
What were the key things that stood out?
Amy Lansky (49:31.47)
Hmm. Well, first of all, the first thing that struck us is the minute we left the Bay area, and especially California, just going over the border into Nevada, it was like a different world. Nobody’s wearing masks. Nobody is like, it’s like, what COVID? And so I had this feeling of like leaving. It was like I was living in a delusional state.
And the psychotic delusion, especially in the Bay Area, is like, when we came back, I said, hey guys, you don’t have to be, nobody even believed what we told them. Nobody even believed it.
Ahmad (50:14.201)
And no one’s pipping on the sidewalk either.
Amy Lansky (50:20.803)
Yeah, it’s really sad what’s happening. So like that was number one in this article, looking for America talks about a lot of these things. Another thing is America, when you get out of these urban, especially blue areas, people are so kind, so nice, so friendly. It’s true. We are old white people. You know.
Ahmad (50:23.205)
I know.
Amy Lansky (50:48.106)
But still.
Amy Lansky (50:52.83)
I remember we were in Iowa at this little ice cream place. And on the door, there was a little sign that said, you can wear your mask if you want to, but we’d rather see your smile. People are just like that. People are very nice. And then the more, people think that these
Ahmad (51:05.265)
Amy Lansky (51:22.254)
Christians, like, you know, they’re so they’re like, they are, they have faith in God. And therefore, they’re not if they know death is part of life, right? People get sick, they die, they trust, they don’t need to run around and live in fear. So there’s this feeling of liberty. People are still free in the United States. Not everywhere. But
Ahmad (51:47.077)
Amy Lansky (51:52.206)
the red states. I mean, I got to say this, I used to be left to the democrats, you know, the red states are free still. They’re still free. And people won’t take it. In fact, I think it’s the only place in the world that’s still free these days. So, uh, and um,
What else? Oh, this one’s real interesting, the South, okay? This stereotype of the South is racist. At least where I live, it’s way less racist than California. Black people all around living normal family lives, they’re not shut into ghettos in Oakland or wherever, Watts, you know, or Harlem. No, it’s like black people in the most expensive…
Ahmad (52:29.593)
Amy Lansky (52:45.93)
expensive restaurants in Greenville, which is a booming town. It’s growing like crazy because everybody’s moving here. It’s I feel like we’ve moved to heaven. Really, we sometimes cry how much we love it here. It’s it’s just not it’s just not like maybe it’s I think it has changed. I think that a city like Greenville has owned up to the past.
Ahmad (52:59.577)
Amy Lansky (53:16.166)
of slavery of the South and is really trying to change things and cares. And people are so charitable. They give. Nobody in the Bay Area gives a shit about anybody. When we were just, when we went on the first trip and sort of did a broad brush drive around America.
Then we came back and we said, we’ll give California six more months. And then after like just a few weeks, the fear started creeping back in and like, oh no, oh no. And I said, I can’t do it. So two months later we were back on the road again, but we went to the dermatologist, cause my husband, that’s one of the few doctors my husband goes to. And I’m in the appointment with him because he’s always like, no, I don’t want to do anything.
Ahmad (53:43.417)
Amy Lansky (54:10.474)
His father is a doctor, so he has amazing resistance to all doctors. And so I’m in there and the doctor says, well, I’ll see you next year. And we said, no, we’re leaving. And she said, that’s a good idea.
Ahmad (54:14.851)
Ahmad (54:26.481)
Ha ha!
Amy Lansky (54:27.914)
Everybody, everybody we told, who was like, had to wear a mask all day or was living in this state. We told them we were leaving, they’re going, I want to leave. It’s terrible here. This guy who’s worked for us, he says, everybody’s so nasty. Now. It’s like, it’s, it looks pretty California, but it is. If you have any psychic or
emotional sensitivity. It is a really toxic place. It’s not a nice place.
Ahmad (55:02.168)
Why is it toxic?
Amy Lansky (55:05.686)
People, I really think there’s a dark cloud. There was a psychic who said that she came to California, had to get out because everybody had gray attachments on them. I don’t know. I don’t know, but there’s something not good going on there and it’s coming out in all these other ways, like the poop on the street or these mass. There’s another thing that’s happened there is this mass division between the extreme wealthy and the poor, right?
So there’s home invasions. The main street in front of Stanford is lined with motor homes of the homeless. This is in Palo Alto, one of the wealthiest. There’s something really not good going on there and I just could not wait to get out of there.
Ahmad (55:36.084)
Ahmad (55:45.69)
Ahmad (55:56.413)
This is really sad. Do you know, Amy, I’ve been to California a few times and I actually, we had our honeymoon there. We went to San Francisco and then we spent time in Yosemite. I’ve been to Yosemite three times. I love hiking and I love Yosemite and I’ve had such nice times there. And you know, we really wanted to go back for our 10th anniversary next year with our kids. But we won’t be because we’ve heard so many horrible things about
Amy Lansky (55:57.976)
Amy Lansky (56:03.455)
Beautiful. Yeah.
Ahmad (56:24.441)
San Francisco and California, how it’s not safe, it’s dangerous, and how the whole place has just descended into madness. And I see this whole cultural thing, you know, it’s become, sorry, you’re saying?
Amy Lansky (56:34.018)
Amy Lansky (56:38.206)
It’s dirty. You know, I think that if you as a tourist, you wouldn’t like sense it. But if you’ve lived there for all these years, you see something is not okay here. You know, the superficial changes. Yes, there is more crime. It’s dirtier. People are not friend, not friendly. But I think it’s
Amy Lansky (57:06.578)
it’s really not a good feeling. Whereas the people here are happy and they’re kind and they’re not like this all the time on their phone.
Ahmad (57:14.897)
I think I know what the reason is. I think the problem of, this is just, I’m joking by the way, I’ll put the disclaimer, I’m joking. I think the problem in California is they’re so lefty, woke-ish, and they’re eating their vegan fake burgers and carbohydrates and garbage food that’s not really food. They’re really mentally sick, they’re not healthy. Whereas Dan and the Deep South, man, they have proper barbecues, they have proper meat, they’ve got great diet.
Amy Lansky (57:37.483)
Amy Lansky (57:42.684)
Ahmad (57:42.737)
They’re happy people and they’ve got God. So instead of worshipping these false idols, which I think in California and places like the East Coast where they’re worshipping their phone, they’re worshipping social media, they’re worshipping God knows what the vaccine, the holy vaccine, I think places like in the SAV, you’ve just got good God-fearing people who eat meat and live life. I think they’re just happier. And it’s really funny. You mentioned… Yeah.
Amy Lansky (58:11.342)
They’re human beings, they’re human beings. They’re still human beings. Apologize.
Ahmad (58:14.497)
right? They’re just, they’re just human beings. And it’s funny, it’s funny you mentioned something about they’re generous. I kid you not. So when I got suspended from work eight months ago, I said two months ago, eight weeks ago, um, you know, and I’m working privately. So that means like my income just gone and I’m working at of, you know, a place where I’ve got 20% of my practice, but it actually doesn’t cover my overheads. I need to make like 40, 50% to just cover my overheads.
So I’m losing money and I’ve told my secretary, you know, I’m going to have to cut our hours and cut our pay next year. I just can’t afford it anymore. And, um, I went out and said to all my listeners, please, you know, there’s like 30,000 of you, you’re listening every week, 40,000 maybe this week. You know, please can you subscribe to my sub stack, just pay $3 a month. And I kid you not, 75% of them are from the States. Even though the States only accounts for 30, 40% of my audience share.
So, and there, you know, you Americans out there are just very generous people and you’re all God-fearing. You know, the messages I get are, God bless you. Thank you for doing what you’re doing. You know, we really appreciate what you’re doing. God bless your family and we’re praying for you. And I love that, because I believe in God. And I really do think, you know, we’re in a spiritual battle, Amy. And, you know, right now people wanna divide us and say,
You know, oh, you’re a Muslim and you’re a Christian and you’re a Jew. You know what’s happening in the Middle East and everything. And despite my name, you know, I’m not a Muslim anymore. I’ve given up religion. I just want to believe in God and we are all God’s children. And I spoke to a rabbi recently and he was saying the same thing. He was saying, we’re all God’s children. You know, we’re all blessed. Just follow the 10 commandments. Like if you follow, even if you don’t know what the 10 commandments are, if you just follow those principles in your life, you know, God will enter you into heaven and I love that. I love that idea. And.
I think this is what we’re facing. We’re facing this spiritual battle between those who believe in God and have the spiritual light within them, and those who are godless and really quite evil dark forces. And AI, satanic, I never really thought like this, but I think it’s all related. I think it’s all, it’s really the work of the devil, as far as, I mean, is that too conspiratorial? Do I sound a bit crazy now?
Amy Lansky (01:00:31.162)
No, I think that you are right. I think it’s, there’s something very intense going on and ultimately it was, we realized for us that we were in the hotbed of the other side.
Forget COVID. And we couldn’t live there. And, uh…
I’m really kind of sensitive like energetically and I just I could feel it so and something
Amy Lansky (01:01:10.486)
I fear for the United States, but I think that we, thank God for states’ rights is all I can say, because most other, almost every other country has a uniform approach. It’s all uniform. This country does this. But in the United States, if you know the history of the United States, it’s always been states versus federal rights. How are the laws? Who has jurisdiction? And it’s still going on. It’s…
And they decided very wisely to keep states’ rights. And I hope it forever remains so, because otherwise, we’d be in the same boat as Canada and every other country, right? And so by keeping our states’ rights, we’re protected. I can’t even believe that I’m happy I’m in a state where a lot of people have guns. I really, I don’t know.
what the future is here, you know? So, uh,
Ahmad (01:02:08.805)
You just read my mind. You just read my mind seriously, Amy. I was just thinking, God bless the fact that you guys have got guns, because I seriously believe if you didn’t have guns, you’d be facing the same problem as Canada and Australia and here in the UK, because the authorities have got the guns and the population don’t. So they can bully us and coerce us and force us to do whatever they want. But the fact that you guys have got guns, there’s only a limit to how far they can push you. Does that make sense?
Amy Lansky (01:02:19.351)
Good luck.
Ahmad (01:02:38.306)
You know, and
Amy Lansky (01:02:38.526)
Yeah, I mean, and believe me, I thought all of this was horrifying. The national NRA, the national, I used to hate those people. I mean, I just, I can’t even believe it, but I love my neighbors. The day we arrived in this house, we decided to move into a real neighborhood. We lived in the country before. And even so we, after 40 years in our house, we, we knew our neighbors, but eh, you know.
closer to my neighbors now after two months, I was here, the day we arrived and I live in a very the wealthiest part of really a Greenville we could afford to because of our housing caliber. And the day we arrived an hour later, five neighbors came bring bringing us gifts. They made us parties. We are friends with them. We hang out with them. I mean, it’s unbelievable to us. It’s really unbelievable. And we knew we were like nervous.
Ahmad (01:03:27.569)
Ahmad (01:03:33.309)
So that’s really, I was gonna say that’s really important because that sense of community is what we really need. I feel like we’ve all drifted apart. We don’t know each other. When I lived in a city in London, I lived in an apartment, no one knows. And if you went and knocked on your neighbor’s door and said, oh, hi, welcome, they’d look at you like, why are you knocking on my door? Leave me alone. We’ve really become disconnected. So it’s lovely hearing what you’re describing.
Amy Lansky (01:03:37.802)
You know?
Amy Lansky (01:04:02.194)
Yeah, this is what we were looking for. You know, so, yes, I mean, I wanted to, I, I mean, you know, I’m finishing finally, this third book. So my first book was on homeopathy. My second book was sort of a it’s very broad, a grand theory about psychic phenomena and manifestation and bringing in homeopathy and
all these esoteric systems. So my third book is, I view as a guidebook for the future times. Okay, so the first half of the book is mostly from a health perspective. So the first half of the book is sort of my view about the energy bodies and why we’re here on this planet and about reincarnation, all kinds of stuff. But the second half is…
Ahmad (01:04:39.802)
Amy Lansky (01:04:57.114)
is a guidebook. I’ve learned over the years many forms of, or learned about many forms of alternative medicine that I believe operate on different parts of our being. And homeopathy is one of those, the one I know the best. But so I think we’re all going to need how to take care of ourselves. And because the medical system is falling apart and who knows what the future will bring.
So we need to have all these tools to survive and to be well. And to really stay human beings and not merge with computers. And I say this as a person who research in what I call old AI. I’ve got to tell you one other story about transhumanism. About maybe even 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 20 years ago.
Ahmad (01:05:37.944)
100% Amen to that.
Ahmad (01:05:47.152)
Tell me.
Amy Lansky (01:05:55.206)
We know a lot of people and one of my old protege, this young guy, now he’s not so young, but he was like, he worked in my lab and later he hired my son who all worked for him, but he invited me to his birthday party up in the city and it was full of San Francisco, Silicon Valley, young entrepreneurs. And we were like the oldest people there and we were probably in our.
mid 50s at the time. So it was probably 15, almost 15 years ago. And they were all talking about, they were going to, I mean, they believed it. They were going to live to be a thousand years old. They were freezing their eggs and their sperm. And they were going to merge. They were, they were talking about this thing and we’re going, what? And then we were saying,
aging is part of life. You get wisdom. This is like, we don’t, we don’t mind getting old. And they were like, and, and we left that party and went, what the hell was that? These people are nerds. And like, what is going on? We didn’t understand even understand it. I didn’t even know the word transhumanism. And we thought, this is ridiculous. Well, those people are running.
Silicon Valley and the Bay Area now, because the Bay Area is all Silicon Valley now. So, and those are the people. That’s the future. That’s the future they want. They don’t really wanna be human beings anymore. They don’t even, it’s very scary. And so I wrote this article, what happened to Silicon Valley? I wanna wake people up. I don’t know if we can stop it.
Ahmad (01:07:24.951)
Amy Lansky (01:07:45.718)
But we need to at least find places where we can, and ways to still be human beings, you know? So be aware.
Ahmad (01:07:51.841)
So that was your second article, wasn’t it? So what has happened to Silicon Valley? Is it just simply a case of these people are scared of dying and they don’t have faith and they don’t believe in God and they’re just trying to find some way to live forever? I mean, is that what it is? They wanna download their consciousness into some avatar?
Amy Lansky (01:08:12.835)
Yeah, if you believe that when you die is like nothingness, then you’ll do anything you can to stay alive as long as possible. I really think that’s the root of it for them. And they believe in that glorious future. I mean, they really want it. They would love it if their brain could be downloaded into an avatar.
Ahmad (01:08:37.061)
There’s a upload? Yeah.
Amy Lansky (01:08:37.206)
We watch this show called Outload. Yes, it’s a brilliant comedy because it really pokes fun at this. And it’s a very good show. Yes.
Ahmad (01:08:49.249)
It’s also quite dark, but it’s also quite dark. And Hollywood has got this habit of actually telling us what they plan on doing next. And it’s almost like, I mean, do you know what I mean? They almost like do a little reveal, sneak, look at this, this is what the agenda is. And while it’s funny, it’s actually very, very dark. It’s very black, mirrored. And yeah, I’m kind of worried. They just want to…
Amy Lansky (01:09:02.012)
Amy Lansky (01:09:11.168)
Amy Lansky (01:09:16.722)
Yeah. In the case of upload, I think they’re warning us. I think they’re poking fun at it in a sort of subversive way. So be careful. I mean, like I say, do not, do not wear an eye, you know, these wristwatches. Do not merge your body with computers. There is a, you know, I still get the Stanford magazine and it’s like,
Amy Lansky (01:09:47.222)
Cut it out, because I’m going to write an article about this article. Me, myself, and AI. Stanford Magazine, it was like, well, people have become so disjointed from other humans. They don’t know how to talk to them. So we’re going to build an AI, and then you can have an earphone, and we’ll tell you how to talk to people.
Ahmad (01:10:04.905)
Oh my God. Ah! It’s like kids nowadays playing on a computer game and talking to each other on the screen. That’s not the same as being kids in a field and kicking a ball and throwing a ball and getting on their bikes and going on adventures.
Amy Lansky (01:10:22.89)
It’s happening real quick. We did not have, Steve and I, and we’ve been on computers our whole life. My husband started programming when he was in high school, which would be in the 19s, wait, finished college and yeah, in late 60s. Anyway, I didn’t have a smartphone until we went on the road. We didn’t have smartphones because we didn’t want that. We don’t want a computer in our pocket. And it’s like,
Ahmad (01:10:44.945)
Amy Lansky (01:10:52.342)
But we had to, it’s not safe to not have a smartphone anymore. So anyway, so what a world.
Ahmad (01:10:59.385)
Wow, wow. Okay, so can I talk to you about your second book? Because you’re Jewish, but you threw in reincarnation. Now, have I got it wrong? I don’t think there’s reincarnation in Judaism, or am I missing something?
Amy Lansky (01:11:17.011)
In esoteric, like Kabbalistic Judaism there is.
Ahmad (01:11:22.837)
Explain. So do you believe in reincarnation?
Amy Lansky (01:11:23.242)
Amy Lansky (01:11:27.386)
I really do. If you wanna, I mean, and you know, I consider myself pan-spiritual. I really believe in all spiritual. I love to go to church. I love, you know, I just love everything because I was born this way. But, you know, I was brought up very religious Jewish, but I feel like I was one of the few people who actually truly was a believer.
So, and I, you know, so I’m just, and as far as the Middle East goes, I just try to have compassion for everybody because.
Ahmad (01:12:06.145)
I love you. You sound just like me now. You sound just like me.
Amy Lansky (01:12:12.118)
Yeah, I go, you know, I, but here, here’s what you got to read this book. It’s called Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. I think in the 80s. So this guy was a psychotherapist of some kind. He would do past life regression, you know, hypnosis.
So, and then at some point he decided, what happens between lives? What happens after you die and before you’re reborn again? So he developed some method for regressing people and he interviewed thousands of people.
about using this. And they all told the same story about what happens. It’s actually an unbelievable book. So and it’s written from using transcripts of his interviews. And it’s just very convincing, it really affected Steve and I and he’s not intrinsically as spiritual as me, although I’ve been an influence on him over the years. And it made us realize that
Okay, you signed up, you signed up. Ama, you signed up for this life. To be here at this time and going through what you’re going through and what we went through. And you came with a purpose. It could be an outer purpose or it could be an inner purpose to grow in certain ways. And so it just…
That’s this book is very specific. It’s almost too specific about what goes on in this other world that we really is the real world and that we’re like, like living here, incarnating to have this purpose and to grow in a certain way. So it just really affected us a lot. So.
Ahmad (01:14:11.845)
So I feel like we are souls that are wearing a temporary physical body. We’re not bodies that have a soul. Is that what you think?
Amy Lansky (01:14:21.502)
Right, where you know about this, there’s this amazing priest named Father O’Leary. And he spells it really weird, but he has this book called Spirits in Spacesuits. Spirits in Spacesuits.com. That’s his and listen to his homilies. He is a genius. And I view him as like one of my main rabbis.
Ahmad (01:14:31.502)
rings a bell.
Amy Lansky (01:14:52.291)
this Irish priest with a very heavy brogue.
Ahmad (01:15:01.809)
I love it. So what else did-
Amy Lansky (01:15:02.61)
And ironically, his church is in Palo Alto, but since COVID, he just lives up in his house, up in the middle of the forests of Healdsburg, not Healdsburg, even further, way Northern California. I don’t think it comes down to Palo Alto anymore because it’s sort of the hotbed of, so. Well, so what are you gonna say?
Ahmad (01:15:25.809)
I was gonna say, what else did you discover then in your second book? About spirituality and our energies? Yeah.
Amy Lansky (01:15:31.262)
My second book. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So at that point, I was like studying with the teacher. So it’s a it’s a broad book. So it starts with this theory I came up with even before homeopathy about it. It was called and I wrote a paper at that time, it was published somehow in a physics journal, it was called
Amy Lansky (01:16:01.406)
It’s hard to describe, but it’s that we’re actually living in higher dimensional. Part of us is always living in higher dimensional space. But here we are in three dimensional space. So at each moment in time, we are carving a path through four or five dimensions. And so there’s many possible futures that actually, it sounds like sci-fi. A lot of people think there are many parallel universes.
Amy Lansky (01:16:32.467)
And so then I start with that, I try to explain that, and then relate it to various psychic phenomenon. Over the years, we’ve gotten to know, don’t ask these things happen to us, some of the leading researchers in psychic phenomenon. And then I talk about homeopathy, which is about
similarity and vibration, healing using similarity and vibration and the relationship to synchronicity. So in a way, homeopathy is healing using synchronicity. I’ve written papers about that. And then I get into, and then I intersperse it with all these meditation exercises based on this teacher that I was studying with. And then I talk about teachings of Gurjit and Rudolf Steiner.
And Kabbalah, I’m just really learning more about Kabbalah now. I really didn’t understand it so well. And stuff like that. So it’s a very esoteric book, but I tend to write in a way that makes things very understandable. So this is the way in which I write. I learn a lot of stuff. I try to simplify it and then kind of weave it together. That’s kind of what I do. So.
Ahmad (01:17:41.189)
I need to get it. I need to get it. I think I’d like that. You know what?
Ahmad (01:17:54.597)
I love it. I didn’t, honestly, I didn’t expect to be talking about these subjects with you. I thought we’d be talking about homeopathy, but we’ve barely touched that. But I love this. No, no, no. I’m gonna tell you something I’ve never told anyone. I love everything you’re talking about. It’s funny, I love sci-fi, but I feel like sci-fi is like a mixture of science and philosophy and ideas and concepts that may or may not be. It’s, sci-fi can be so deep.
Amy Lansky (01:18:02.122)
Oh, do you want me to get back along the homeopathy?
Ahmad (01:18:23.705)
you know, so wonderful subject. I used to love reading sci-fi books and cause it just explores things beyond the limits of what we know now. And it just proposes what could be. Um, and it’s quite amazing if you just look at like that and not just a silly little book. Um, so I love everything that you’re talking about, like, you know, dimensions. We, we now becoming aware that there’s more than, you know, three dimensions and there’s possibly parallel universes. We just don’t know these things. We’re like little ants crawling on the surface of the floor.
And how does this ant know anything about planes and satellites? It doesn’t. I mean, there’s things that are just beyond our conception even. And, you know, you just have to think where, where did we come from? Okay. You know, the sperm enters the egg, but where’s that spark of life? Where’s that God spark? Well, what ignites this consciousness, the soul, where did it come from? Like it didn’t just come from nothing. And then where does it go? Because it, it just, you know, this isn’t.
This can’t just be it. I don’t believe it for a second. And then I’ll give an example, you know, over my timeframe, I just feel like there is definitely something. People say to me, oh, well, you’re not a Muslim anymore, so why do you believe in God? And I’m like, because I just cannot believe that everything around us is just happen chance and random, you know, chaos. It’s just so finely beautiful and balanced and intricate. There is a hand behind it. There must be.
And so take, for example, we’ve just taken in our lemon tree. We have a lemon tree in the garden and because where we are, it’s quite cold now. And if it goes underneath, you know, sub zero temperatures, then the lemon tree will die. So my wife told me the other day, can you bring the lemon tree in? So I brought it in, shut the door and it’s sitting in our little living dining area. And that night I had a dream and my dad passed away a few years ago in 2018. And I see my dad in my dreams every four months.
And I wasn’t thinking about my dad. I think about him quite a lot, but I wasn’t thinking about him that day. But in that dream, I met my dad and he always talks to me in my dreams. Like he’s there. I can smell his breath. His breath wasn’t great. I can feel the thick, callous hands of his. Anyway, he goes, son, I’ve been thinking about it. I went, what? He goes, that lemon tree, I don’t think it’s good where it is. I think you need to move it to the other corner of the room. The light’s better. And I went, OK, tell Kat that.
Ahmad (01:20:49.849)
I went, OK. So the next day, you know, I walked down in the morning and Kat’s in the kitchen as an open dining kitchen area. And I said, Kat, I had a really weird dream. I met dad and he said, we need to move the lemon tree. Do you think, is that OK if we do that? And she went, she put down her knife, she was chopping. She went, tell your dad, I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday and I think that’s a great idea. And it was just.
that time she was thinking the exact same thing. And here was my dad visiting me, telling me this random thing. And like, I’m not interested in lemon trees or where they are in the room. It’s the last thing I have to worry about. I’m more worried about where I’m going to earn some money to pay the bills after my suspension. But my wife was actually thinking about the same thing. And it’s just like how random. Yeah. What’s that all about, Amy? What is that about?
Amy Lansky (01:21:38.678)
That’s a synchronicity.
Amy Lansky (01:21:47.114)
What a synchronicity is, ask Jung, is that if things are of a similar vibration, like some type of meaning, then they tend to, I think it’s a property of, a scientific property of the universe, things will tend to occur at the same time and place. So, you had the dream, your wife is thinking this, it’s even possible your father whispered in her ear in a certain way.
but you had this dream because this information was coming in at the same time and it was brought to you. I mean, this is how Jung came up with the idea of synchronicity, a patient of his had a dream about this beetle, the beetle represented something that was pertinent to her life. And then just as she was talking about it, that beetle came through the window, a beetle.
Ahmad (01:22:40.27)
Amy Lansky (01:22:43.35)
It was a synchronicity. And we had so many, you know, when we went on the road, we said, okay, we’re gonna listen to the synchronicities. We’re gonna let, you know, the information. I talk about one in my second book. This is true. This is unbelievable. So you probably know who Rupert Sheldrake is. He’s a British biologist. He’s the guy who came up with the idea. He’s, he came up with this concept of morphic resonance, this vibration, which is
Ahmad (01:23:04.929)
No, I know nothing. I know nothing.
Amy Lansky (01:23:13.358)
how, you know, members of the same species communicate. Anyway, so, and so I’m writing this section on Rupert Sheldrake for my second book. I’m writing this section. I come in for dinner. My husband says, you’re not gonna believe it. We are having lunch tomorrow with Rupert Sheldrake.
Amy Lansky (01:23:39.822)
That’s what happened. Exactly. I said, what? He said, yeah. Years ago, some guy in his lab met Rupert Sheldrake at some retreat in Scotland. And he had said to him, next time you come to the United States, you should come visit me. And so he was, so Rupert Sheldrake was coming to the United States. And he looked up this guy. And this guy, this is a computer science lab. He gave it, he says, you come to talk in my computer science lab.
Nobody was interested, but this guy knew Steve was into this. He says, okay, you gotta come. I came too. I couldn’t believe it. We went out to lunch with Rupert Childre the next day. It was unbelievable. These things happen. People just take it for it.
Ahmad (01:24:25.169)
Wow. So these things haven’t, yeah, so I’ll give you examples. So a couple of weeks ago, I got invited to a retreat in the middle of Wales, which is in the middle of nowhere. There’s no phone reception, there’s nothing. It’s really quite, you know, it’s a long drive from where I live. And I’m going to a farm. There’s a doctor there called Dr. Sarah Myhill, who I love. And she’s a very alternative doctor, holistic functional medicine doctor. And she’s invited me there because she’s like,
amateur in trouble, you can’t earn anymore, you can’t do your surgery in the hospital. Why don’t you practice functional medicine? You can do online consultations, I’ll help you. You’re already practicing it. We’ll do some fine tuning of what your knowledge base is. And so I took up her offer, it was amazing. So I go out and there’s 10 other people there and we’re all sitting there for our evening meal on this big long table. So there’s someone on my right, someone on my left. I turn to the chap on the right and I say his name is Alastair, Ali.
And I go, tell me about yourself, where you from? And he’s from the same city that I’m from. And he went to the same school that I went to. And I’m like, wow, that’s about random. Six to eight million people in this country. And I sit next to the guy who’s just been to the same school as me. And then I turn around to the left and go, tell me about you. So what’s our connection? It turns out she lives in the same village as me for the last 20 years. And she only moved six months earlier out of the village. Her kids went to the same school. My kids are going to, and I’m just like,
Right. This is a bit weird. This is a bit random, but it was really, it kind of blew my mind. And recently, I interviewed someone called G. Edward Griffin, a very, very amazing American man who wrote a book about the creature from Jekyll Island, Unraveling the Federal Reserve. He’s 92 years old. He’s an amazing individual. And people were saying to me, oh my God, wouldn’t it be amazing if you could get him and his book’s amazing? And I was like, I have no idea how to get him.
And then one day, literally after I had this conversation with someone, I interviewed someone and they were like, it’s funny how many people I’ve spoken to in my podcast now become my friends. Um, and, and after our podcast, they went, Oh, Ahmed, I love talking to you. It was amazing. And you know, she had actually come to my house, you know, and thank you for lunch. It was just wonderful meeting you. I want to give you a gift. And she sent me his details and I was like, what?
Ahmad (01:26:47.377)
I’d never even mentioned it to her, but for some reason she sent me, of all the people in the world, his contact details, and I got him on my podcast. And it’s just like these random things just keep happening. And I’m like, what the heck? Is this just random?
Amy Lansky (01:27:02.088)
It means you’re on the right track. I think New Cities tend to happen as like, if there’s signs that you’re on the right track, things like that. So you’re on the right track.
Ahmad (01:27:14.981)
That sounds good. I’m glad to hear that. Yeah, I wanna be on the right track. So I’m so glad that you’ve, like you just sound like someone who loves to grow. Like you’re not happy with the status quo. You’re constantly expanding your mind, constantly trying to learn, not scared to go on an adventure. I mean, uprooting and moving all the way to the other side of the country.
Amy Lansky (01:27:19.47)
I’m sorry.
Ahmad (01:27:41.681)
to an unknown area, because a lot of people say to me, oh, we don’t want to move, we don’t have, we.
Amy Lansky (01:27:45.214)
It was scary. It was hard, but we did it.
Ahmad (01:27:50.065)
But that’s what makes you brave. That’s what makes you courageous. The fact that it is hard, that it is scary. If you don’t feel fear, you’re not really brave, are you? You need to feel a little bit of being scared to have that courage then. I mean, a lot of people say to me, oh, we’ve never moved because we don’t have friends. Our friends are all here. And you can make new friends. And it sounds like you’ve made amazing new friends and you relish that challenge, which I think is lovely. It’s just great.
Amy Lansky (01:28:17.346)
Ahmad (01:28:18.561)
All right, let’s swing back to homeopathy a little bit. So when I was interviewing someone called Alan Freestone, he said he’s getting amazing results treating autism. And the way he does it is he gets the original sample of say the MMR or the diphtheria shot, whatever it might be, and he dilutes that down. And that’s how he does it. He does specific to what they think might be the vaccine and then gives a…
course over three months and he’s been getting great results, reversing the autism. And his results are the earlier you get it and the less mild, the more chance that you’re going to treat it completely. The later you get the treatment and the more advanced it is, yes, you will get benefit, but maybe not as powerful. Is that similar to how you have seen things with the treatment of autism or did you have a different treatment protocol?
Amy Lansky (01:29:16.258)
Right. What he does is called isopathy, where you give the thing that you think caused it in potentized form to undo it. And there is validity to isopathy, for example, people using allergens to help relieve allergen and like that kind of thing. But it is a more limited
When I talk, I mean, I talk about all these forms of homeopathy in my book. I mean, it’s my book is even used as a first year textbook in the homeopathy schools. But I, what we use and what I generally advocate for is called classical homeopathy. So let me just quickly define what homeopathy is. So the word homeopathy defines the homeopathy is. So.
Homeo means similar, pathy means suffering, similar suffering. So the idea is that if you are in a state of suffering, you want to find the substance that can cause that state of suffering. So, so it’s true that let’s, for example, if you’re suffering from the, um, side effects of some drug, any drug.
that drug can cause the symptoms you’re experiencing. So taking that drug in potency can possibly cure it, right? But most of us are suffering from general forms of disease. So the whole name of the game in homeopathy is a thing, a sort of a system of pattern matching.
So you go to the homeopath and they collect all your symptoms, mental, physical, behavioral, your whole, that’s why these appointments can take two hours. And then the homeopath learns to sort of identify the key symptoms that are going to help them find the right remedy. Now the other part is the repertoire of remedies. How do we know?
Amy Lansky (01:31:28.838)
what these various substances can cause. It’s true. We know side effects of vaccines or drugs, it’s more pronounced, but homeopaths use substances from all over nature, like even otherwise benign substances like salt or something, a major remedy made from salt. So what they do is they conduct these tests called provings.
And what they do is, like usually homeopaths, as part of their training, they will undergo these tests to identify new potential remedies. So the subject takes the remedy in potency, and that’s the other controversial part about homeopathy, this process of potentization, which is really energy extraction from the substance. And since that time, it’s been proven that
this method that Hahnemann came up with over 200 years ago actually works to shaking and diluting shaking and diluting. It’s essentially extracting the energy of the substance. So so the question is the shake. So dilute and shake. And and now there’s more I talk about this in my book too how there’s more and more evidence that
Ahmad (01:32:41.817)
Isn’t it secusion or something? What is it that you tap it? Yeah.
Ahmad (01:32:50.283)
Amy Lansky (01:32:56.85)
it’s actually creating structure in the dilution. So, so then, so the homeopath, the person who’s going to going to proving will take this substance and then it’s, it’s usually blinded. And then they recording everything that happens to them over the next several weeks. And then there’s people who record the information, all this stuff is put together. And that forms this profile.
of what this remedy is good for. And they’re always creating new remedies over the years, but there’s about on the order of a thousand possible remedies in general. But maybe 100, 200 are commonly used. So the idea is when you go to the homeopath, you give them your state and they try to find the remedy that matches that state. And now they use computers and stuff because it’s all been put into.
computers and stuff, but it’s really an art because there’s many possible matches. And there’s certain issues that are very common and have very, they call them specific remedies for those situations, especially acute diseases or cases of trauma and this and that. So when we went to the homeopath, that’s the process that was used with.
our son and that’s the general methodology we use, which is called classical homeopathy. Then there’s a whole nother sort of idea about how do you do the dosing and this and that and what are the signs that it’s working versus not and this and that. So isopathy is a sort is a form of homeopathy, especially good when you know you’ve been poisoned. Right?
Like if you know, there’s a great story in my book about this Apple orchard is, you know, they used to maybe they still use arsenic in Apple orchards. And he, there is an app, a guy who worked in and he was, he comes to the doctor, I think it was in the UK. And he was like, dying from turned out from arsenic poisoning, right. And he had read that if you
Ahmad (01:34:53.509)
Amy Lansky (01:35:20.462)
take a very, very high dose, a very, very high potency, that means more dilute of the offending substance, then it will reverse this. So he, and they didn’t have time to go to the hospital or anything, so he gives them this super high potency of arsenic, and he started sweating out so much arsenic out of his body that there was like white powder on his shirt. And the guy survived, the guy.
Ahmad (01:35:36.582)
Ahmad (01:35:46.339)
Amy Lansky (01:35:50.302)
was fine, you know, you’ve survived. So, so that’s case of isopathic healing. And that’s why I guess what free stone does, you know, I’ve heard of free stone, but I really didn’t know his methodology. Now you told me. So but you know, a lot of times, you’re not sure what causes and so then you know, sometimes you’ll start with a general remedy that matches you and then sometimes there’s
Ahmad (01:36:11.994)
Amy Lansky (01:36:18.986)
you make so much progress, then you might need an isopathic remedy or some other kind of remedy. You know, there’s so many, it’s a real art to the practice and treatment of autism is, is difficult. You know, I’ve even, people write to me from all over the world and, you know, even patients of Alan Freestone who’s saying, well, I worked with him for a while and now we only made so much progress, you know, you know, so I do tons of referrals.
Now he’s right that the sooner you begin treatment with autistic kids, the better. So ideally before age five, if you can, you know, but you know, with these kids, you know, I’ve heard of cases of even of teenagers who’ve gone from like, not toilet trained to toilet trained or, you know, something really significantly improves their life. But, you know, and I advise.
Ahmad (01:36:53.175)
Amy Lansky (01:37:17.202)
I don’t treat I don’t get paid. I only you know, sell my book or whatever. But I give back to the universe because of what happened to us. Our family was saved and I know. And so I just sort of do hand holding. I usually don’t comment on cases. I just do a little hand holding when people write to me. And and a lot of times people come in, they’re very impatient. I want my kids to talk.
Ahmad (01:37:25.677)
Amy Lansky (01:37:48.822)
You know, it’s first, it’s more important that your kid is like sleeping or has bowel movements or, you know, he’ll talk to you. If you get along that far, then he might start entering your world and start talking to you. You know, it’s not like allopathy. Your body, this is part of homeopathic philosophy. How your body heals itself, it has its own innate wisdom. And usually they say from inner to outer, right?
Ahmad (01:38:03.469)
Ahmad (01:38:08.762)
Amy Lansky (01:38:17.29)
So the innermost things come first. I mean, and then like, let’s say, you know, things like skin ailments are considering the most superficial, right? Allopath will give you cortisone, and that just suppresses the eczema, let’s say, which will push the disease deeper into your inner core. So that’s why, you know, suppressing eczema can lead to allergies and suppressing allergies can lead
Ahmad (01:38:28.911)
Ahmad (01:38:33.55)
Amy Lansky (01:38:47.214)
to deeper disease like asthma. So in a proper homeopathic treatment, you see the reverse. So let’s say you treat the asthma and then what often will happen is that will come out, there’ll be eczema. Your body is going the other direction.
Ahmad (01:38:52.117)
Interesting. Yeah.
Amy Lansky (01:39:12.946)
And if it’s the right remedy, then eventually the eczema will go away or you might move into another remedy that will treat the eczema. But it’s the opposite of suppression. And you’re using the innate wisdom of the body and homeopaths believe in the energy body with which they call the vital force to heal in the most appropriate way. And that there are certain signs that homeopaths learn of a healing versus a suppression.
Ahmad (01:39:23.013)
Ahmad (01:39:42.766)
Well, it’s interesting you see…
Amy Lansky (01:39:43.198)
So most allopathic are depressive. Yeah.
Ahmad (01:39:46.797)
Yeah, 100% because when you look at most of the drugs, they’re always blocking. They’re blocking some metabolic pathway or enzyme. Take statins, for example. They’ll block a normal physiological process, which then affects hormone synthesis, cell wall synthesis, and that’s why then you end up getting problems. You get muscle aches and pains. You can get Alzheimer’s with it. You can get heart failure with it. So, you know, this drug that, you know, everybody gets told, oh, it’s wonderful. It’s gonna reduce your cholesterol.
It might reduce your cholesterol, but it comes at a price. It’s blocking lots of different things which your body needs. And I think that’s one of the failings of allopathic medicine, um, where you block physiological processes, um, and then you get the side effects. Then you take a drug for the side effect and it goes on and on. And before you know it, you’re on five or six drugs and you’ve got side effects and, you know, you just got a little polypharmacy in your pocket. Um, and, and it’s funny, you talk about this, the life force.
you know, and the vital force, you know, because people back then didn’t know really how to describe these things. But we now know we are definitely energy beings. We have, you know, this magnetic field, this electric field where, you know, if you listen to some called Jack Cruz, we’re beings of light, water and magnet. And it’s kind of incredible, you know, how little we actually understand. And it makes sense, you know, what is our consciousness? What is our soul? If it isn’t an electric
magnetic kind of field. What is it then? You know, it has to be. Um, so yeah, I’m, you know, I’m open to all of this and I think it’s just all fascinating and I’m learning, you know, um, I’m open to all of it. And I think, you know, there’s just so much we just don’t know about the world around us. And it comes back to why I said earlier on, it’s just having that humility to say, you know what, I don’t know, I don’t understand, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to discount it and say, no, how much in this world around us do we not understand?
You know, to this day. Listen, can I ask you something, Amy? I’ve spoken to you for an hour and 40 minutes, and I’m sure you need to go. I just want to ask you one question, but before I ask you that one question, do you have anything you want to say to me that we’ve missed? Then you want to get off your chest.
Amy Lansky (01:41:52.494)
I’m gonna go to bed.
Amy Lansky (01:42:06.858)
I really, I guess maybe the underlying message of what I’ve said is that in this world which is becoming, I can’t even believe it just keeps going darker. It’s our intention. We have to focus on what we want, not how to get there. And we have to stay as true to being human beings and using our power.
our conscious power to create the future we want and have positive visions of what we want. And it’s the only thing that’s going to get us out of this because we’re being bombarded by media that is scaring us and painting very dark visions. I mean, I once wrote to Shirley McLean with no response because she was kind of into weird wild stuff.
So what if we could make TV shows that show a positive future for humanity?
Ahmad (01:43:11.469)
be nice.
Amy Lansky (01:43:12.786)
Why can’t we watch those shows? Because we’re programming our subconscious. We’re creating this. And so get rid of the devices and be a human being and use your power. We each have so much power to manifest and pay attention to the synchronicities. And that, you know, that includes health, includes everything.
Don’t go for the quick answer. Go deeper. It’s the only way we’re gonna get out of this.
Ahmad (01:43:49.573)
You’ve almost answered my last question, but you’re gonna have to come up with a new answer now, even though that was a great, great thing you just said. So my last question to all my guests is, imagine, Amy, you’re 145. You’ve lived a very good life, long life in South Carolina, and you’ve had lots of barbecues and lovely evenings with your friends. And you’re now in your deathbed. Your maker has said to you, you’re coming. It’s time to go. But you’re comfortable, don’t worry about that.
Amy Lansky (01:43:49.824)
You know.
Amy Lansky (01:43:55.405)
Mm-hmm. Ha ha!
Amy Lansky (01:44:10.827)
Ahmad (01:44:19.473)
and all around you is your family, and your friends, and your relatives, what advice would you give them before you pass on health or otherwise?
Amy Lansky (01:44:30.747)
Wow, that’s a word.
Amy Lansky (01:44:45.358)
Stay true to your soul.
Amy Lansky (01:44:50.773)
You know.
Amy Lansky (01:44:56.802)
Don’t be afraid.
Amy Lansky (01:45:02.422)
Hanuman, you know, put on the front of his The you know the phrase at the beginning of the organ on dare to know that was his watchword dare to know and
But like, dare to know your soul.
Stay connected. It’s staying. Some people believe that what’s going on now, this is more of a conspiracy realm, is a deliberate attempt to separate us from our soul.
the vaccine and everything. Transhumanism at all.
We have to stay connected to our soul. Don’t let somebody, don’t let these things disconnect you from your soul. It’s vitally important. Meditate. However you want to do it, stay connected to your soul.
Amy Lansky (01:46:10.314)
because what’s going on is suffering from their soul.
Ahmad (01:46:10.385)
I can’t argue with any of that.
Ahmad (01:46:16.477)
Yep, I agree. Amen to that. Amy, I’d love it if you can come back and speak with me next summer or something. Is that OK? I really enjoyed talking to you. You’re just.
Amy Lansky (01:46:27.886)
Sure. I love talking. As you can tell, I can probably talk to you for three hours. So.
Ahmad (01:46:35.809)
Well, I’m from Glasgow and we’ve got the gift of the gab. So don’t worry up in Scotland. You know, that’s what we say. You got, you got the gift of the gab. Don’t worry. Likewise, I could talk to you for a very long time. I, I think you’re a fascinating human being and a lovely soul. And I’ve really, really enjoyed talking to you. You know, I feel privileged. So thank you so much. I really do. Thank you.
Amy Lansky (01:47:01.892)
Thank you, Ahmad. Thank you. Keep up.
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